Friday, September 30, 2016

Yes, You Can. Somehow.

"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."   ...Isaiah 43:19


Note: you're probably not redecorating now, but perhaps this will help in other areas where you've given-up.


Man. What was I thinking?

I'd wanted wall sconces over our fireplace for eons, but--because of my inability to install them or call an electrician (rarely do workers show up when I call)--I put it off, whined a lot in my head, then gave-up.

Then recently I considered candle wall sconces, so I looked around on Ebay, but eh. I needed something dark, with straight lines, so they wouldn't compete with all my myriad curly-cue and colorful trinkets, below, or the curtains, beside. 

Finally I thought, wait! Perhaps they make battery-operated sconces these days. Turns out, they do. You just hang them on the wall as you would a picture. 

I can do this.

So being what Internet retailers call 'a bottom feeder', I searched online till I found the lowest price for two of these:

Whew. Feels great to have made that decision. Finally.

Then there's our light-grey bathroom. Do I love light-grey? Uh, no. But I've tolerated it because 1.) I don't feel like repainting it and 2.) I've tried for 5 years to think of a better color and can't.

No, really.

So in rather an 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' move, I decided to wallpaper the small-ish two-wall corner, leaving the rest of the room, grey.

I can do this.

Two weeks ago I found this wallpaper, below, couldn't shake how much I loved it, then ordered it yesterday:

Can't wait till it's done! It'll totally change the mood in there.

Something else? I've longed to replace all the chrome hardware in the bathroom, but me switch-out the faucet and lights over the sink? No, I can't do that. Nor has it worked to call someone who can and who could also replace our too-small vanity (which I've dreamed of for 5 years, also).

So instead, I'm going to spray-paint all our towel-holders, antique white, and for extra storage, I ordered this today (which I may spray-paint a blue to match what's in the wallpaper)--

I can do this.

Seeing today's lesson? Don't be like ol' Debra who sat around for 5 years moaning about what she couldn't do and waiting on others to magically appear and make things all better. 

No, please open your mind to new possibilities. Be decisive, clear-minded and hopeful. Dust off your imagination, do all that you can and then trust God to do the rest.

You can do this, also.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."   ... Philippians 4:13


“Know what you want, work to get it, then value it once you have it.” 
― Nora Roberts

"In all the busyness of life, we’ve got to learn to not let the stress and frustration get on the inside. It may be very hectic on the outside, but deep down in your spirit there needs to be a calmness, a rest where you know God has you in the palm of His hand."   ...   Joel Osteen

“We have within us the power to choose how we respond to a hurtful situation. We cannot control the actions of others, but we can control how we will respond. As we understand our power to choose, we see that we are in control. Our life is not a result of our environment or upbringing, but a result of our choices. We have the ability to determine the kind of life we want to live and the type of person we wish to be.” 
― Cameron C. Taylor8 Attributes of Great Achievers


Free Kindle Books:

Jane Eyre

Ocean Alley Adventures

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

A Fair Murder


  1. You were my first blog I visited this morning and I must say . . . I needed to hear this. Sometimes we need a reminder to keep us on solid ground. Thank you :)

  2. Great ideas! All of them. I especially like the sconces and over the door holder. I have been feeling sorry for myself all week with being so sick from my bite/sting. I sometimes feel I'll never be truly "well" again. I need your post today. Sure, there may be days when I can't do something I want to, but overall things should be improving. Thank you.

  3. Debra, your wonderful can-do attitude simply makes me smile! I'm so happy that you found sconces you can use, and the wallpaper for the bathroom is beautiful! Please tell us how the spraypainting project turns out, too. Hope all goes well for you!

  4. Connie--thanks so much for letting me know this was timely for you! I appreciate that. Much.

    Betsy--eeks! I didn't know you'd been bitten/stung. Eegads. I can't stand most bugs, especially spiders (that's why I keep Tom around--to kill them. heh.) I hope that this new week finds you feeling much better and on the mend. Thanks for letting me know you liked my new treasures!

    Pam--so happy I could make you smile and thanks for telling me you liked the wallpaper! (You're the only one who mentioned it. heh.) Thanks for your good wishes!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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