Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Making Changes. Living With Purpose.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."   Galations 6:9


So the new ottoman is here and I nearly felt like Laura Ingalls helping Ma fit everything puzzle-like inside their tiny cabin. Such is life with a small living room which can, basically, only be arranged one way.

But I did it. And like it.

Then this morning I hung our winter lap blankets outside to dry so they can be placed inside the ottoman rather than Tom's room which already has too much stuff (another blog post for another day. Maybe.).

Oh, and yesterday after my daily perusing of Daisy Cottage's home tours, I brought in this iron curly-cue thing from the Prayer Garden and hung it up. (The previous day, I brought over the clock my parents' made which does not rest on top of Daniel's fling-on-the-floor green mat.)

Doesn't it feel wonderful to be creative? Even if you made just one pleasant change a day in your home, not counting weekends, that would mean 261 improvements in a year(!). And all because of one simple change per day.

No matter what shape any of us is in, I think we can all do that much. If we're determined.

Did you read that verse, above? I don't believe it means to never rest when we're tired. But rather, to use wisdom, resting as needed, so that we won't become bone-weary in the first place. 

Giving ourselves permission to rest is part of the moving forward process. Go running yourself into the ground (or your couch or a hospital bed) and moving ahead suddenly becomes harder.

Work. Rest. Stop the excuses and forgive yourself if your rest somehow lasted years. Then move forward toward the light. 

What matters is that we climb out of any ditches and return to God's unique path for us so we end up where He's planned to meet us, pick us up, and carry us Home at the very end.


The creative process is not like a situation where you get struck by a single lightning bolt. You have ongoing discoveries, and there's ongoing creative revelations. Yes, it's really helpful to be marching toward a specific destination, but, along the way, you must allow yourself room for your ideas to blossom, take root, and grow. 

---- Carlton Cuse


Years ago I told you I'd nearly worn out my taped-from-tv video of Bon Voyage Charlie Brown. I watched it with a young Naomi. I watched it after she grew up. I watched it when she moved away and beyond. It became my comfort film.

Er hem.

Anyway, imagine my delight when I discovered this week that finally this movie has come to DVD! 

Oh happy, happy day. My copy will arrive soon.

(I can guarantee one thing: if you are a Francophile and you love Charlie Brown, you will adore this film. Get. It. You will not be sorry.)   :)


"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 4:7 


Oh! And I'd love it if you could pray for Naomi and her boyfriend who will travel to Nashville tomorrow (Thursday) and Atlanta on Friday. Naomi will be bringing back the last of her belongings from there on Sunday. Thanks so much!



  1. Your new ottoman is both pretty and useful. You are inspiring me to make a couple changes in our home, like you said, if we do one a day for a year, wow!

  2. I like the changes you've made. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing that verse. I will be praying for Naomi.

  3. I like how you are keeping it uncluttered in your small spaces. We have a room in our house and the rest has been taken over by son and family. I am learning how to have what we need in this small space and still keep it uncluttered.

  4. That verse from Galations is a lovely reminder for this morning ♥


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