Thursday, September 08, 2016

How Many Folks Do You Need In Your Audience?

I remember while in my teens and twenties daydreaming, "Someday I'll do something amazing (like writing a jaw-dropping book maybe?) and people will exclaim, 'Oh! Debra was so young and yet she accomplished such a huge thing. Gee, she's deep/really something.'"

Then I reached my forties and thought, "Uh-oh. I'm no longer young (bummer). Anything I do now can only be expected, rather typical and, most likely, already done by others."

Oh, of course we're all unique and no one can replicate anything we do the same exact way. That's true, keeps life interesting and I've blogged about it way too often.

But here's the thing: in my thirties, God showed me the futility and the 24/7-bonkers-stress of trying to impress people. How impressions are fleeting, are not to be the goal and certainly not my motive in talent-sharing.

Viewing Him as my Audience of One was the new goal. Obeying God superseded all and would meet the needs of others (He knows exactly who needs what). And if others disliked my when-I-got-it-right obedience? Then it became God's problem, not mine, for His directions are His ideas.

Wow. In time, in layers (think onions) everything changed through my persistence in desiring to please God, not 50 different people who wanted to pull me 50 different ways.

Oh, Life in that auditorium with that Audience of One! The peace, the lack of throbbing inside my poor ol' head. The growing ability to focus and no longer wandering upon the stage all distracted by selfish-ambition (and the plain bad feelings with it). 

What a better way to live. At any age.

"Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you..."   ... Ephesians 1:18


"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."   ... Philippians 2:3,4


My friend, Ann, shared this awesome retro mid-century house.

My other friend, Anne (with an 'e' shared this super-cool vintage house.

Oh, and if you have time, be sure to check out Anne's post called Gratitude. Wow. Her words about her grandmother convicted me like crazy!  (Go here to see what I mean.)

****** ******

“Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.” 
― Charles F. Stanley

“If three steps are taken without any other motive than the desire to obey God, those three steps are miraculous; they are equally so whether they take place on dry land or on water.” 
― Simone Weil

Free Kindle Books:

The Teacup Novellas--The Collection

A Cup of Murder

Crushed: An Amazing True Story


  1. An audience of ONE! Absolutely. I used to worry about what people would think of me. Now? I try to do what pleases God over anyone else and try not to worry about other people's opinions. Thank you for this.

  2. You're welcome, Betsy, and thank-you so much for your comment! I'm glad you're also finding the freedom in pleasing that audience of one. Surely is a lot less stressful, right? :) Blessings, Debra


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