Thursday, September 01, 2016

Extreme Hobbit Cottage This and That

I read more books in 2016 than probably the last three years, combined. Just one of those years, I suppose. Here are a few of my most favorites:

 The title you can't really see? The Secret In Miranda's Closet. Loved, loved this and you might, too, if you enjoy kids' lit., dollhouses, old dolls, a type of vintage New York City where kids can roam safely, as well as antique and home decor shops. Really, this book delighted me no end.

Also, The Seventh Step: Mystery at Cedarhead, by Helen Girvan. It's around here somewhere and I enjoyed how she brought back characters from Blue Treasure, above, ten years later. Her Down Bayberry Lane was terrific, also. The writing in Helen's books feels more like you're watching an old black and white movie.

The title that's hard to see is The Ghost That Came Alive. This one had all my favorites: a journey, an old scary house with unusual people, a mystery, 1970's kids, an 'explainable ghost', etc.


Here's a helpful hint: If your house feels a bit crowded, look around for things which may be better suited outside. Like, for instance, this rooster which used to grace my kitchen cabinet top but now resides where all good roosters should--outdoors:


This morning our local weather guy said this had been the 3rd hottest summer in all of Buffalo's recorded history. And this August was the hottest, ever. Ever.

See? I told you it was hot! :)

(Personally, I think I deserve an award for surviving.)


Have you watched the preview for the movie, The Sea of Trees? Looks like it could be special!


My friend, Susan, asked what's in my bug-out box (see my last post), so here's a list of what is--and what soon will be--in there. Keep in mind it's a box (Rubbermaid bin-style) to take to a city-provided shelter rather than one we'd drag out into the deep, dark woods.  

My Bug-Out Box Supplies:

Sauce pan with lid
Matches, batteries, radio
Can opener, bottle opener
Oatmeal, brown sugar, canned milk
Breakfast bars, dried fruit, packaged rice. Tea. Coffee.
Canned meals. Plastic silverware and bowls. A whistle
Change of clothes for each of us. A pocketknife. 
Steel and flint (similar to this). Quarters.
First-aid supplies, vitamins, wet wipes
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, make-up, combs
Water purifying tablets, water bottles which purify water
Mylar blankets, bunji cords, clothesline
Oh, and a deck of playing cards. Judy wisely suggested those.
(Plus more stuff I'm forgetting.)


Oh, and I'd so appreciate it if you'd pray for my dear friend, Wilma, who I've known online since 2000 and have met in-person. She's having terrible trouble with her eyes and has received a scary report from the doctor. Please pray that God will give her much grace, comfort, healing and lots and lots of hope.

Thanks so much!



Free Kindle Books:

M&M Surprise Murder


1 comment:

  1. Great book suggestions and bug out box suggestions too. I'll definitely be praying for your friend. It's been a hot August here too. I'm glad to see it go away.


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