Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Choosing Creativity Over Complaining. Again.

"But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."  ... 1 Timothy 6:8


Well, I fell in love with another house, it's much closer to Tom's job, is in our former town and has no risk-your-life-in-winter entry, but alas, Tom wasn't too impressed. 

Finally, I am accepting that he doesn't want to move this year. 

He's very involved with his job and also, with reading about cars so he can purchase a new one in October when he'll be 59 1/2 and will have access to certain savings. We've had our present car 14 years, a record for us, so I can't begrudge that.

Anyway, I asked him how much I can spend on fixing-up Hobbit Cottage so that I'll love it better (and stop my roving eye). The amount was higher than I'd intended to ask for, so now I'm making creative plans, though my poor ol' imagination ain't what it used to be. 

I'm thinking this will be a slow process.

So there will be no more blogging about new houses (you're welcome). At least not until next Spring.  :) (I refuse to move in snow.) Instead of hanging out at, you'll find me at Pinterest and the Daisy Cottage home tours searching for new ideas from people who still have them. heh.

This challenge will stretch me and do me good (you realize, don't you, that I'm believing that by faith?). Stay tuned.


"You can make a choice to rejoice! Regardless of how messed up your past has been, begin to thank God for all of His great benefits (Psalm 103:1-5). Instead of poisoning the atmosphere by whining about where you are, you can rejoice about where God wants to bring you."  ... Jesse Duplantis


My dear friend, Anne, sent me this lovely thrifted curtain which looks amazing and all Daisy-Cottage-ish on our table:

Love, love it.  Thank-you again, Anne.


My kitchen garden survived our ridiculous heat wave(s). Naomi and I enjoy slipping out there for fresh onions, cherry tomatoes, basil, rosemary, oregano and dill. I also have strawberries and blueberries, but we must always hurry to snatch them before the robins do.

Be encouraged---this is a small space, one to which I add a few inches each year. You don't need a huge field to grow stuff. As it is, the onions, rosemary and dill are in pots which I sank into the ground and chili peppers are growing in a pot beside our garage. Parsley, sage and chives grow in pots in my Prayer Garden.

Oh, and once as we pulled into our driveway, I spied a squirrel as he snatched a cherry tomato, then scurried to a low part of our crab apple tree. He took one bite then, with both paws, flung it to the ground, as if saying, "Phooey! Squirrels don't like tomatoes."


So Tom bought this old waffle iron ($2) at an estate sale, even without a cord, bugging me, of course, for we have no room and did I mention it had no cord?

But he said it was for him and his co-workers and their 'waffle project'. Well, ok then. 

Can you believe he bought a brand new cord and it actually fits? Only problem is, the waffle iron keeps heating up and up and up! 

He went ahead and bought a new one.

Anyway, doesn't it look like something Nick and Nora from The Thin Man movies would have had on their table?


Have you been watching Running Wild with Bear Grylls? Tom and I love how Bear takes us on adventures we'd never otherwise have experienced. I think we've seen every episode from each season. 

We so enjoy this, well, except for the times Bear dangles celebrities on a rope over huge chasms. Shiver. (I wonder if Bear realizes one dropped celebrity and it's all over for him?)


Free Kindle Books:

God, Me and Sweet Iced Tea

A Fine Mess

Getaway Mountain

How I Became Productive (Ol' Debra needs this one!)


  1. Debra, one of the reasons I'm always anxious to read your posts is because I can identify with you. When it comes to housing, I am back and forth, on any given day. However, I am actually quite stable in most other areas of my life. Go figure.

    Your dining area looks adorable. Very inviting. It will be fun to hear about your ideas for improving your home.

  2. Oh my goodness, Pam! That is so me, also. I consider myself a pretty stable person in most areas, but when it comes to houses? Oh dear, I absolutely lose my heart over and over and start dreaming, imagining and redecorating and longing for a change and to have the chance to, again, leave a house better than I found it.

    You and I must be 'house people' and that's hard for non-house people to understand. But I'm very thankful that you and the other house people who read here get it--and get me, too. Thanks for commenting and I'm glad you like our dining area! Blessings, Debra

  3. You and your hubby have a great compromise that sounds win win, he will buy a car, you won't move this year, and you have some dollars to spend on making your home more pretty and to your liking.

  4. You can find me on any given night, looking at the Zillow app on my iPad. I want smaller. Hubby wants to stay. So for now we're staying. I need a new tablecloth. Why did I never think of a curtain? Thanks for the idea as I don't care for any table cloths I'm seeing right now.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.