Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Restore Unto Me The Joy of (Fill In The Blank)

"Restore unto me the joy of your salvation and renew a right spirit within me"... Psalm 51:12


Hey, is it Autumn yet?

Sheesh. After a weekend where you could finally step outside and not feel like you're drinking warm water, we're back to that nasty hot and humid air.

What's a girl to do? (Besides complain and lie around on the red couch, that is?)

Well, this girl will be returning to her 'restore unto me prayers'. You know, ones which begin like:

"Restore unto me the joy of cooking. Of playing 1960's wife while trying new recipes and wearing an apron."

"Restore unto me the joy of keeping a house, pretty and pleasant."

"Restore unto me the joy of doing laundry so I'll know that good clean, folded and put away feeling."

"Restore unto me the joy of feeding our nagging sweet cats, watering outside plants, hanging wallpaper, spray-painting small objects and--"

You get the idea. 

These long, hot summer hours tempt me to choose the easy, complain-y route rather than the productive one. (And yes, we do have air-conditioning, but still, summertime can wear me down.)

Yet what I've noticed years past? Those 'restore unto me prayers' seriously work. Hey, sometimes I even hesitate to pray them because I know they'll lift me off the couch and out of my lazy doldrums --and swoop me back to old-fashioned accomplishment and physical labor.

They are that powerful. At least for me.

Just thought I'd pass that information along in case I'm not the only one wilting today, wishing for Autumn to hurry-up already.

"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."   ... John 15:7

And yes, I've spoken about this restore-unto-me prayer before. (Funny thing: I reposted it during another August. heh.)

And another way this prayer helps? It seems to pull just the right inspiration to me when I need it. For instance, this morning I remembered Clara's Depression Era Cooking videos, watched a couple, then recalled she had a book, so I ordered that. When it comes to cooking, especially, I need mega inspiration and Clara always seems to provide it!


Not sure if you'll find this as interesting as I did, but here you go:

This Smithsonian scientist's death was a mystery; 150 years later, his skeleton helped solve it


Is this a hoot or what?


Free Kindle Books:

The River Girl's Song

Chasing the Butterfly

Leighann Dobbs Cozy Mystery Collection

Double Vision--Seeing God In Everyday Life

The Silver Shawl



  1. Restore unto me the joy of living when I get down in the dumps about my health. It's not nearly what some people deal with on a daily basis and I need to get over myself. Right? Right.
    I laughed out loud at the something touched my foot photo. I have a goal that everyday that I'm home from the lake this summer I will go through a closet or drawer, etc. and accomplish something. This fall I need to paint baseboards. Get off my duff in other words and do something besides knit and read.
    Have a wonderful day my friend.

  2. Restore unto me an orderly home...I've decided to go through the house, and set aside at least one item, per day, for donation. Some days I'm sure I'll find more than one object, but that goal seems really doable. Recently, our daughter married and moved out, which got the ball rolling for me. She sorted through her things and only kept what she absolutely needs and loves. Restoration---it's a good thing.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.