Sunday, August 14, 2016

Older? Yes. But Better In The Best Way.

"Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save."   ...   Isaiah 46:4


So I'm still getting used to this not-what-I-used-to-be-season. I hung just a bit more wallpaper and it totally wore me out. 

Of course, climbing up and down the stepladder and washing walls and clearing countertops and measuring keeps-rolling-up paper on the carpet all during another ridiculously-hot summer day (a/c's chugging away, but still) doesn't help. 

Yet Debra of Yesteryear coulda done it. Easily. All afternoon long.

And yet? That's ok because I may be weaker on the outside, but look out, Honey, on the inside! Jesus has strengthened my heart and mind. I don't fall apart inside there nearly as often as I used to, I don't get lonely and Anticipatory Hope is like my theme song, or something.

Would I trade that for a stronger, go-go-go-like-an-energizer-bunny body? Uh, no. Never. This is better.

And now here's something which stuck like gum to me from Facebook. It super-confirmed that--if I don't guard my heart and my mind--I'll believe lies which will slowly, deceptively, lead me to scary, depressing places I never intended to become a citizen of. Our world is more subtly tricky than ever before and here's a great warning/reminder:

"To believe that your thoughts originate inside your brain, is like believing that television shows are made inside your television set... Today we live in a society where realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by corporations and by political groups. We are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by people using very sophisticated forms of manipulation to create the narrative they desire. They have wielded an astonishing amount of power over people. They are able to create whole universes, universes of the mind. I plead with you today to shut off these forms of manipulations and renew your mind through the word of God and prayer. This is the only way to see through the holographic world that is being spun right now.
The body of Christ must be sober and alert in this hour to judge rightly from what is holy and what is deceptive corruption. We have the power through Christ to see true transformation take place in this generation!"   
... Charlie Shamps


"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."   ...Proverbs 4:23

"Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."   ... Nehemiah 8:10


At a very rainy yard sale I bought that key, above, telling Tom as I whipped open the car door, "It hardly gets more 1970's than this!"


Free Kindle Books:

Jane Austen: The Complete Novels

Thicker Than Blood

Cappuccinos, Cupcakes and a Corpse

Leighann Dobbs Cozy Mystery Collection



  1. I agree, Debra! Wouldn't MIND having the younger body, but not if it was a trade-off for the peace and sound mind age (and an ever closer walk with God) has bestowed.

    Love the wallpaper! Love the key. And don't you know the 2010s are the new '70s? I think it looks seriously modern! ;)

  2. Oh Debra, I really, really feel your pain!! After helping my daughter clean and wash out kitchen cabinets (and tugging at 3 different layers of contact paper), my old body was grateful for a "day of rest" yesterday.

    Your wallpaper project just gets better and better. Just think how lovely and cozy it will look when the cold winds of autumn and winter blow outside. Seeing your new key reminded me of a set of three black keys I used to have--maybe from Home Interiors. People used to give house parties (like Tupperware), and back then, I always felt obligated to order stuff and spend money that I could not afford. How good it is to be older and wiser...

  3. I, too, can relate to your statements today. And...I agree so much with that quote. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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