Monday, July 25, 2016

Twelve Years--Seriously? (And a Giveaway.)

Twelve years of blogging as of today! I would ask, "Where did the years go?", but actually, they're here, all written down, recorded.

Well, I don't tell you everything, of course. 

Like, I kept two local tragedies from you. One happened in our farming community (immediately upon moving there) and another, an accident, Tom saw happen while buying donuts for his work crew on our main street, here. 

Some people probably believe I should have shared those, especially the farm town thing, for it haunted me for months. We'd met one of the teens it happened to and it still can shake me.

But you know? I'm not a news journalist meant to record everything and we're all, you and me, surrounded by too many sad reports. Instead, I want this to be an uplifting place each time you click here and frankly, I couldn't find the words to write those stories.

Which reminds me--almost never do I sit here agonizing over what to write. Oh, a few times I've asked God, "Do I really have to write this embarrassing story about myself?" and proceeded slowly, hoping He'd change His mind in the middle. heh.

Yet whenever I've tried forcing words in any post, before becoming a frustrated mess, I just smack the keyboard shake my head and pack it all up. Then wait until it's God who's nudging me with His ideas, words and timing--not mine. 

How much better to follow God's plans rather than my own. Perhaps blogging has illustrated that to me more than anything else. (It's also shown me the difference between being faithful to an activity and being faithful toward God--and how, often, they appear quite different.)

And you--my kindred spirits! How kind of you to let me blather on and on, especially about God (not everyone in my real life lets me). And how fun to have met you when, otherwise, I'd have had to wait until Heaven. 

Yes, the Internet can be a pain, but oh, it can also be a joy once you discover the best way to use it.

So thank-you to all my readers, long-time or short, for checking-up on me and my simple world to see what's new and what 'classes' God's got me attending each week.  

No, really. You are much appreciated.


"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."   ... Galations 2:20


Anyone who emails me  (  or adds a comment here or at Facebook before noon (EST) tomorrow (July 26) will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card from 

I'll be giving away two gift cards, so start leaving your comments now!  Everyone is eligible, even if you won a card in 2014.  :) 


And here's something which so inspired me yesterday: 

Read about it here: Arizona's Mystery Castle.

Then find marvelous indoor/outdoor photos of it here. 

And if you have Netflix, you can watch a segment about it on Monumental Mysteries, episode 10.



  1. YOU are a joy and YOU are much appreciated!

    Happy 12 years of blogging. We are better people because of you!

    Keep the faith!

  2. I always enjoy opening up my computer and finding that you've posted on your blog. Your stories always uplift me and I feel we're kindred spirits in many ways. Congratulations on 12 years of blogging!

  3. Congratulations! I love all your unique stories that I never would see if not for you. Here's to 12 more!

  4. and i've known you for most of those 12 years! my 12 years of blogging comes up in October and we met shortly thereafter ... 'cause meeting online for some of us, is almost the same as in person! i've so appreciated your posts ... and that you've stuck to blogging ... i've continued blogging in picture/thought form this last while ... it's a place "off of facebook!" that i think of as "my space" ...

    blessings on you dear one!!!

  5. Happy blogiversary, Debra! I don't know if I've been reading you all 12 years, but for a good many of them. I can always count on you for an uplifting or funny or inspiring post. I admire the way you live life, and if we never get to meet in person on this old earth, I sure look forward to meeting you in heaven! (Not that either of us are planning on going there soon! Ha!)

    Blessings on your day, and may you write many more inspiring words for us to enjoy!

  6. Debra, Happy Blogging birthday! Awesome. I too look forward to coming here each day for soothing, inspiration, toe stepping and insights. Thank you so much!

  7. Debra - I forget exactly how we met but I know it was because of our love of reading Gladys Taber. It's been a while. It might have been an email group. I just remember what fun it was to share things we found. I also enjoyed the Christmas card exchange. I get so few cards now - maybe 5 or so. I miss the old days of letters and cards and just little touching things.
    It's pretty amazing that you have kept at the blogging all these years. I enjoy reading your posts - there is always something interesting. I especially enjoy your book mentions.
    Looking forward to another year,
    Debbie Vietzke

  8. I love to see what you write each day. So far you also sent me to some great web sites and I've bought and enjoyed some books you have recommended. Thanks!!

  9. I don't want to be in the giveaway, but I want to say I enjoy your blog. Glad I found you.
    When the world gets too crazy via news and tv and such I do like finding peaceful posts.
    Thanks. Be

  10. I have your blog linked to my emails so I don't miss them. I've enjoyed reading them over the years! I'm glad that God put us on the earth at the same time so I could know you! Keep up His faithful work Debra! God is using it more that you know now. But in heaven it will be revealed! God Bless! Linda

  11. Thanks for taking the time to blog over these last 12 years. I certainly have enjoyed reading it.

  12. Robin--as I pm'd you--thanks so very much!

    Betsy--thanks for your many encouraging comments lately. I'm thinking we're kindred spirits also! :)

    Angela--Thank-you and I'm glad you like the stories--I'll try to post more of them!

    Saija--I totally feel like we've actually met in-person! We did speak on the phone that one time and that was cool! So glad I've known you all these many years!

    Deb! One of my best encouragers. Thank-you for reading here for such a long time and being a blessing to me.

    Terri--and thanks to another longtime reader and encourager! I'm glad you find these posts uplifting. Truly.

    Debbie--thanks so much! I do remember you from the Gladys groups, and I'll always recall some special encouragement you gave me there one day. It totally helped me make an important decision! Thanks for reading here for so long, as well.

    Oh Susan! I love it when people are blessed by the book recommendations. I'd love it anytime you want to let me know what you thought about specific books/stories/series!

    BJS--thanks so much! The way you described what you find here is just the way I've wanted these posts to be. Thanks again!

    Linda--as I emailed you, I really appreciated this comment! Thanks for reading here for such a very long time...

    Jan--thanks for being another longtime reader! Good to know you're still here after all this time and enjoying the posts. Thanks for letting me know!

    A special thanks to each of you for taking the time to comment on my 12 blogiversary! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.