Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Wallpaper Decision 5 Years In The Making

"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."   ... Proverbs 3:6


So during these nearly 5 years of Hobbit Cottage life, I've wanted to do something special with this chimney-wrapped area:

You know, make it more of a feature wall using wallpaper. But could I decide on a certain pattern/color/style? Of course not. Changed my mind probably 20 times. I'd get frustrated then go all Scarlett O'Hara and vow to think about it later.

But then weeks ago I thought, "Why not decorate our house similarly to  those estate sale houses you love so much? What if you added vintage wallpaper and paint colors and made this place just as much fun?"

Well, there's a challenge, especially when you're living in a 'flipped house' and things feel and look quasi-modern.

But a girl can still try, can't she?

So I began looking at vintage wallpaper places online (and fell in love), but gracious! The prices they're asking. Over $100 for one roll was typical.

And we all know Penny Pincher Me isn't gonna fall for that.

Sooo, through weeks of searching I finally got a hazy picture in my head. Something not too busy (oh, but all those florals and roosters!) because that area is Naomi's and she owns enough appliances to open a coffee shop, plus, above the cabinets I've crammed way too many gaudy chotchkes.

So something simple, with a straight pattern, and which would glow yellow in the sunlight. 

And this is what I chose, though ok, it doesn't scream vintage, exactly, yet it is a bit timeless:

Plaid wallpaper--the easiest of them all to hang, as I discovered in our farm kitchen.

 But the problem? Most rolls (like this cheapo one from Ebay) come in 20.5 inch widths, but my wall? It's 21.5 inches wide.


Of course, I could let that spin me to Crazy Land and spend more months searching for something the same, only wider--or--I could just plan to center it, then paint that half inch on each side a similar yellow.

I stopped doing perfection in my 40's. I'd noticed that perfection will make you insane (no, really) if you don't tell yourself to knock it off and live happily with imperfection-but-better-than-it-was-before. 

(You don't know how often in my life I've whispered, "Ok, it's done. It's not perfect, but it's better--and better is better.")

Oh, and I'm going to paint the frames a creamy pale yellow and add a yellow hanging wooden shelf above them. When I'm finished that'll be one happy-looking wall. Indeed.

And it only took me 5 years to figure this all out.



Say, is everyone still taking their daily vitamin D? I'm noticing at Facebook that some of my friends are kinda down. 

I'm beyond-grateful for my Vitamin D chewables, even now in summertime because Honey, I've spent all of July inside this air-conditioned house lest that heat and humidity out there make me sick. 

These chewables taste like candy and keep my head happy--what's not to love about that?  (And if you're wondering, I take 4,000 units daily, in divided doses, and buy whatever brand is BOGO at my supermarket or similarly-priced ones at VitaCost.)

Oh, and in the midst of this politically-charged-air time and weekly terrorist attacks, not to mention all the meanies online and in Real Life, please don't forget this verse, ok?

 "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."   ...  Philippians 4:8


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  1. I Love, one, Love everything about this post...well, except that people are feeling down. Your wallpaper and paint solution are wonderful. I wish I were brave enough to to do something similar. I'm trying to justify having my knick-knacks out in our house. Everyone seems to think things should look like a model home. Well, we're not selling our house right now and these "things" make me happy. I also love the Bible verse you chose today. Thank you.

  2. Philippians 4:8 is perfect for the times we live in. Go a bit further to verse 9 "the God of peace will be with you." Want peace? Then go back to verses 4-8 and do what they say and you will have peace. Just my two cents worth!

    I love the wallpaper and can't wait to see what the wall looks like when you are finished.

  3. During these crazy times, I think we're all searching for peace and hope. I've started printing out encouraging verses and putting them up near the kitchen sink and near my bathroom mirror. Reading them, often, helps to guide my thoughts.

    Debra, that wallpaper will be lovely!! Looking forward to the "after" pics!

  4. Betsy--how funny! I often remind myself that we're currently not selling our house so I need to relax about how many knick knacks I've got around. :)

    Robin--thanks! Sometimes I add the part about peace, sometimes not. This was a time I should have. :)

    Pam--thanks so much! Love the idea about placing verses around the house. I did that many years ago--wouldn't hurt to do it again! :)

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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