Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Where I've Been. Sorta.


A whole week zoomed by with no blog posts, perhaps proving that time really does fly when one is having fun. My, my, my.

I'll blame contentment, as well. I mean, really, what else could I want besides God, family, cats, a little yellow house, a yard, friends and hundreds of books? 

Well, a maid might be pleasant. You know, to help me care for all these blessings, although, knowing myself as I do, I'd clean before she arrived, lest she think us slobs. Ha!

But even there, I'm slowly changing. We had carpet cleaners come Friday yet I didn't clean the entire house as I would've years past.

In fact, last week I stood gazing out the backdoor and suddenly caught these words on the radio: "Maid service is provided as well as two delicious meals served daily in our beautiful dining room. You'll never have to mow the lawn again! It's all done for you. Snow shoveling, too. Call us today at La La La Independent Acres for your free brochure. Everyone 62 or older is welcome!"

And seriously? I groaned. "Darn!" I said. "Neither Tom nor I are 62. Bummer."


For years we've sworn that we'll not be the folks who grump, "You'll have to carry me out of my house screaming and kicking! I'm gonna live here till I die." 

Nope, Tom and I respect seasons. We do not believe in one long, endless one that looks the same forever. That would be foolish (and rather prideful. "Seasons? They don't apply to us."), for oh, Life is fleeting and always changing like the leaves outside our picture window.

We believe in change. Growth. Rolling with the punches and coming up stronger, but different. And being better able to face future disruptions to our plans. 

And we're learning to trust in God and Grace to carry us through every single minute so that they all have potential for joy in the center. You know--something like a Tootsie Roll Pop.

Heh. Something like that. But ever so much better, unfailing, real and sweet. No matter what.


"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."   ...Psalm 34:8


Oh, we had fun at yard sales this weekend--such delightful people in our part of Buffalo! 

Here are my book finds:

Plus this one:

... which I finished yesterday. Enjoyed it. Much.

But the one I truly loved and could not put down? Remember The Days. Wow. Riveting. The story was taken from the author's aunt's journals and if you like A Lantern In Her Hand type of books, you'll adore this one.



Here's something fun to watch: Jonathan and Drew Scott Spend 24 Hours Inside a Tiny House.

Oh, and have you watched the new show, Masters of Flip? I really enjoy this couple (so cute!) and their designs. I even sit through their building scenes whereas usually I fast-forward those details during other similar programs.

It's all good.   



  1. Thank you for reminding me of the book, A Lantern In Her Hand. I must see if I can get it from the library and read it again. Have you ever read the book, A Cabin Faced West? I think you would like it.

    Have a great day, Debra!

  2. I have long understood the seasonal facts of life as you point them out in this post. I am in a fresh season. Right now my almost but not quite two year old grandson and his mom and dad are temporarily living with us while they are between homes (both close on the same date, the new one needs some flooring put in). It's meant giving up alone time and giving up couple time and biting down hard on the whining I really would like to do. I just keep reminding myself that this is the start of a new season and it's testing all of us equally. No one is getting off scot free in this season! So far, so good. And just when I really and truly have had my limit of togetherness, I get a breathing space. I'm so glad HE knows what my real limits are and provides for them!

  3. I wish I could convince my Hubby of the season thing. He loves our house and never wants to leave unless it's to 5 acres in the country. I'm ready for an apartment with no yard work and fewer rooms to clean. There is an amazing 55+ community in our city. Most people are still working but there is a full size movie theater, woodshop, indoor pool, driving range, garden space, craft room and more. It sounds wonderful to me but not to him. Oh well.

  4. Hi Robin! Yes, I've read A Cabin Faced West, but it's been a long time. I'm thinking I'd ought to read that one again--thanks for the reminder!

    Terri--I could identify with much of what you wrote! Having Naomi home again has caused me/us to make some adjustments, mostly inside my own mind. heh. But day by day we all find new ways to have our own space and times alone here. It does take time and effort, but I find it's causing me to stretch and grow. It's easy to be happy and free (as an introvert) while alone, but more of a challenge when others are around the house, right? :)

    Betsy--Oh my goodness--I so want to move to your local 55+ community! It sounds prefect. Seriously. Is there any way you and your husband can visit a working farm for a week or two, the type where they make you work alongside them? Those types of farms are popping up more often--maybe after days of seeing what it takes to live on a bunch of property your husband might change his mind. Hey, you never know. :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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