Monday, May 02, 2016

How Well Do You Travel?

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."   ... Matthew 7:7


So! It's a new week and Tom's back, though--get this--it took him 15 hours to arrive home from the San Francisco airport(!) A mule team might have been faster.

Yes, it was one of those nightmare plane trips where the only thing that went right is that the plane didn't crash. 

In fact, I giggled while Tom described his trip to a co-worker over the phone. Tom said, "And once we had to circle an airport for an hour until they ran out of fuel."

Heh. Think about it.

Oh, and they lost his luggage. Not just his, but a whole crowd's who sent up a collective moan. Everyone had to fill out forms--at 4:00 a.m.. But all's well now--a guy brought Tom's suitcase here to the house yesterday afternoon. A pleasant surprise.

Anyway, Tom's working from home today because his back got messed up in all the stressful craziness which was the trip home. 

But he still loves his job, so there's that.  :)


I believe in seeking until you find. Being a worshipper rather than a whiner if the seeking takes forever. You know, travelling within the peace of (real)faith even on rocky roads. In happy anticipation of what's ahead.

But good grief. 

You know those cozy, low-budget, dreamy documentaries I sometimes find for you guys at Netflix? Sheesh. Just unearthing one can require hours of searching. And, don't tell anyone, but often I find myself nearly cursing Netflix and the whole sorry 2016 film industry for cranking out drivel rather than beauty.

But yesterday I found one. A perfect documentary.

Another rare jewel, especially if you, like me, enjoy:

Gladys Taber
Cape Cod
Old wallpapered houses
Family seashore vacations
The beach
Family reunions
Tiny children
Home movies

Very bittersweet, though, but heavier on the sweet than bitter. Dreamy, soothing, mostly.

And I do apologize, Netflix. You're trying. I know.

                                           “Pleasured equally
                                         In seeking as in finding,
                                           Each detail minding,
                                         Old Walt went seeking
                                                 And finding.” 
                                                  ― Langston Hughes


You may be able to watch Starboard Light outside of Netflix. Check the links here. The first 11 minutes are here.


"He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord."  ... Psalm 112:7


  1. I'm so glad for you that Tom is back home safe and sound. Traveling. We are right at this moment, waiting to hear from our son's girlfriend. He lives in Japan but came home last week to have foot surgery. She was flying here to join him for his last week at home. She has never left China or Japan and doesn't speak English hardly at all. She just called from the airport in Seattle. It took so long to get through customs because of the long lines, that she missed her connecting flight to Spokane. She's scared and alone in the huge Seattle airport and he's trying to talk to gate people on the phone about rebooking her. Hopefully she'll be here soon. We've met her several times when we've gone to Japan and she is sweet but the language barrier does pose issues.
    I hope you have a lovely day my friend.

  2. Travel can be so glad Tom is back home. Hope he feels better, soon.

    Debra, thank you so much for sharing your "finds" with us. Tomorrow I start my first chemo session, and I plan to watch Starboard Light during my 6 hour session. That and a good book should help to pass the time.


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