Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Guess Who Stopped By?

Ducks visited us today...

The incredible thing is that a loud concrete-mix truck churned, garoooom, out front, (for we're getting new sidewalks), but even so? Mr. Duck (I'm assuming since male birds tend to be prettiest, a fact I mean to speak with God about someday) took a nap. A nap! Mrs. Duck stood at attention, as if to say, "You rest, Dear. I'll watch for enemies." Patiently she turned her head and scanned one area, then another.

I was reminded of God, of angels, watching over us as we sleep.

Eventually they stepped over to my bird feeder and the duck couple went berserk over the birdseed which sparrows spilled down to them. I had to laugh. And take pictures.

We didn't know Hobbit Cottage would be such an interesting place to live when we moved here in 2011. Actually, it was meant only as a temporary home, a quick way off the farm of which we'd grown tired (and which had chewed us up and spit us out).

But God knew better--He always does. And may we forever crave His ideas over our own, even the times when ours appear to make more sense.

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you."  ...Psalm 32:8


"Things are not always as they appear."  ...copied

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  ...Isaiah 55:9

"I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for you, Lord, only make me dwell in safety."   ... Psalm 4:8


Our weekend weather was dreadful so Tom and I stayed in and watched The Lady In The Van. Most of my all-things-British-loving friends would enjoy it, I'm thinking. It stars the always-incredible Maggie Smith and we watched it On Demand, but Netflix has it by disc and most likely it's on Amazon Video, as well.

And it's based on a true story.


My gardening and introverted/dreamy-eyed friends may enjoy this collection of books by Elizabeth von Arnim. Only .99 cents via Amazon Kindle books!

A special thanks to my pal, Judy, for mentioning this author to me.

Addendum: And yes, indeedy! I have watched the so-relaxing Enchanted April.   

Seriously, I love, love, love my closet room, especially on dark, cloudy days like this one. I keep talking about it here (sorry), but it still thrills my heart to have a sunny place no matter what the weather.

The lighting is truer in this photo:

In an ideal world, that dark blue wicker shelf thing would not be in there. But as of this moment, there's nowhere else to put it. Anyone else acquainted with that feeling/type of situation?  :)


Did you know Susan Branch's latest book (the one I'm reading for the 3rd time) made The New York Times Best Seller List? Congrats to Susan!



  1. I read all of Arnim's books one year and it was a lovely thing though it did forever to get them through interlibrary loan.

    I highly recommend the film, Enchanted April, which is based upon her book. It's one of my all time favorite films. I really really really must get it on DVD to replace my old VHS copy since I've no VCR.

  2. I'm glad you've read them, Terri! That *would* take a long time to read them through the interlibrary loan--oh my! :) I was pretty happy to see so many available for only a total of .99 cents. Wow, one of those great deals you run across occasionally at Amazon. Oh, and I did see Enchanted April years ago. What a relaxing film! Almost makes you feel like you went to a spa for a weekend. :) Maybe it's about time I watched it again--it's been awhile.

    Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra

  3. Love the ducks! And yes, I pray nightly for God to have his angels as a hedge of protection around my family as this world seems to spiral downward. That movie looks very good. Our weekend was chilly and rainy too, but we sat snug in our little camping trailer. Have you posted a picture of the Hobbit Cottage? I would love to see how it looks.

  4. Debra, not many people are blessed with visits from such cute ducks! We see them on our pond, but they're very skittish and fly away if we're close by. I wonder if your ducks are looking for a place to nest? If so, they've found a lovely haven in your yard.

  5. Hi Betsy! I've got lots of photos of Hobbit Cottage for you. :) So here you go:


    (You'll find that link in my sidebar.) Enjoy!

    Pam--oh my! I'd not thought of that, the nesting thing. Our yard isn't very big and I'd probably be afraid of tripping over ducks. heh. The river is just down our street so I'm thinking they were just out for a walk. It's odd, though, that perhaps only one other time in our nearly 5 years here do I recall having ducks in our yard! Seems like they'd be around more often.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  6. Love your visitors, we had a rabbit in the front yard this morning! Love your closet room also!

  7. Hi Elizabeth! Bunnies are the cutest, aren't they? Thanks so much for commenting about my closet room--I'd love to have you come see it in-person--it looks better that way and besides, I love to have you visit so we could chat! :)

    Blessings, Debra


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