Friday, May 06, 2016

But Does Debra Like New Books and Stuff Also?

Yes. Yes she does. But after all the chatter of old books in my last post, you may have wondered.

True, probably my very favorite books (adult, teen, children) were written in the 1940's, 50's and 60's. There's just something mind-calmingly-satisfying to me about certain vintage books.

But! Never would I quip, "Old books are the best books, the only ones worth reading." Some (usually kinda cranky) ladies say that...

... but not me. And you'll not read here that the old church hymns are the only songs God approves of or that He only attends small churches on Sundays. 

Nor will I say yesteryear's fashions were better than today's. Uh-oh, wait. I might say that. heh.

No, but seriously, one of my favorite Bible verses ever is this:

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."   ... Isaiah 43:19

And what I've seen? God does and says things in new, fresh ways through people today all the time. He's so vibrant and creative that it's impossible for Him to live inside the oldy-moldy, same ol,' same ol' box that many Christians cram themselves into (and then wonder, "Why aren't I happy like I used to be?").

Even in 2016, yes, He makes a way where there is none and turns our mourning into dancing, shows us how to fix what's broken and gives us new eyes to see things His way.

And not only does He mend torn-up hearts, He's able to create whole new ones.

Always, God is moving forward and Heaven help us if we resent the people up the road ahead walking in step beside Him.

Perhaps we can't hear the beat others dance to because we closed our ears to such things years ago.


"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."   ... Ezekiel 36:26

"Behold, I make all things new."  ... Revelation 21:5


Newer (post-1960's) kids' novels can be just as wonderful as vintage ones! Here's just a sprinkling of ones I love:

Ten Kids, No Pets

Eleven Kids, One Summer

Stand in the Wind

Look Through My Window

When Pigs Fly

The Exiles

The Exiles At Home

The Penderwicks Series

Absolutely Truly

And I'm a big fan of the new cozy mysteries, you know, decent morality-wise books written around bakeries or cats or sewing shops or bed-and-breakfast inns or--

In fact, there's a new link in my blog roll to a blogger who reviews cozy mysteries for us. Awesome!


In two days I positively devoured  Susan Branch's Isle of Dreams. Ohhh.... talk about a new book being just as marvelous as old ones! 

I'm going to start this book all over again today. Seriously. There's so much in there besides the story, itself, and this time I'm going to savor every quote and photo and drawing. Slowly. Out in my wicker chair in the sun where it's actually going to be warm enough again to do so(!)

Oh, and because my credit card started over today (don't you just love the day every month when that happens?), I ordered Susan's book, A Fine Romance. In Isle of Dreams she left off where she'd talked alone with Joe for the first time and I simply must find out what comes next!  :)

And yes, for those who are wondering, I do read Susan's blog. I've been a fan of Susan's since the early days when she used to snail mail us paper Willards. Oh my, I'd make some coffee, grab a cookie (or 3), sit out on the porch, rip open that Willard and slowly read and savor it. Happy sigh.



  1. I've been a fan of Susan Branch's since my aunt introduced me to her Christmas book. I bring that out EVERY year. Well, I don't actually "bring" it out, it always IS out.

    Last night I put aside my Bill Bryson book about Sheakspeare and started reading Jeannette Oake's "Love Comes Softly". I love being able to slip into so many different worlds. It's been a few years now since I've read this one, and it was time.

  2. I read Susan Branch's A Fine Romance, it is a delight and one to buy (I read a library copy) so it is available to read again and savor the illustrations.


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