Monday, April 25, 2016

Since He Went Away

      "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age'."   ... Matthew 28:20


So. Yesterday Tom and I got up all bleary-eyed at 3:45 a.m.. The taxi would soon be outside to whisk him away in the dark to the airport, for yes, another business trip came along, this one to California.

But guess what happened at the airport while waiting for his plane? Here's how I reported it at Facebook:

A bit of fun: Minutes ago, Tom called me all excited from Detroit to say while waiting in the Buffalo Airport this morning, he met Cedric The Entertainer and D.L. Hughley. They'd been in town on tour. Tom told Cedric we'd loved the show he was on with Steve Harvey years ago, but he couldn't remember the name. Cedric said, "Oh! The Steve Harvey Show. I was on that show for 7 years and loved it." They talked probably 15 minutes and Tom considered having a picture taken with Cedric, but felt weird about it. I thought later that I'm not even sure Tom knows how to take selfies with his phone--which is one of the many reasons I love him. heh.

 smile emoticon

He sounded especially-blessed and that helped, my still being in the I-miss-Tom timespan.

Later I rented a movie On Demand, one called Brooklyn---what an old-fashioned film! And oh, the 1950's fashions and hairstyles as well as the wild gamut of emotions it yanked me through. Wow. It stuck with me, even awoke me this morning. 

I'm thinking you'd enjoy it--here's a review to help you decide.

Only one scene did I fast-forward--and you'll easily guess which one. :) Half of this movie I watched with teary-eyes, a few times I burst out laughing (oh, those two giddy girls at the dinner table!).

And now? It's Monday--grey, cold, misty, and rather than be all pokey (like I was during Tom's Toronto trip) I forced myself to go out. I drove to our local library and remembered why I almost never go there--they barely have any books! (It's a tiny suburb library, though the building is huge and beautiful. At least I come away feeling grateful for Amazon and Abebooks.) 

But I did find two good books:

I began with Absolutely Truly (with my 7-11 coffee and cookies) upstairs inside my brightly-lit closet room where even on grey days it's glowing springtime. A perfect selection for my day.

Years past, I sought-out coffee shops, an empty church sanctuary or riverside parks in which to sit, drink coffee, read and feel especially close to God. But something silently changed and now nearly always I feel contemplative and contented at home, as though my simple life has become one long hour with Jesus at a coffee shop.

The need to seek outside what I've discovered within is disappearing. Which, whew, is a relief since I seldom have access to our car and no longer can I walk like I once could.

But it's all so very ok. A delight of completeness. With Him.


"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."  ...Jeremiah 29:13

"And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all rule and authority..."   ... Colossians 2:10




  1. My husband used to travel for several weeks at a time to the Middle thankful to God I am that he no longer has to do that on a regular basis although he still works for the same company. It was so hard to drive him to the airport each time. I miss him terribly whenever we are apart, especially after 38 years of marriage. I am like you though, very content in my home. I don't need to constantly be on the go, in fact, when I have several appointments, etc. within a weeks time, I become slightly aggitated. I like my nest, both here at home and in my trailer at the lake. The trailer is small an especially cozy to me. Thank you for sharing with us today.

  2. I read Absolutely Truly and I loved it!

  3. Betsy--thank-you for sharing your story with us! I know what you mean about weeks when you have appointments--I feel the same way! Home is such a sweet place to be. And stay--when one can. :)

    Robin--Like you, I also so enjoyed Absolutely Truly! Surprised me. I could barely put it down!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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