Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Top Ten Crank-It-Up Songs. And More.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument]..."   Jeremiah 1:5  (Amplified)


So since I'm still all springtime giddy out in the yard lately, I'll just give you lists today.

This first one, My (Current) Top Ten Crank-It-Up Songs, might make you smile. I still love these songs, turn them up louder, just as I did while a teenager in my bedroom listening to my clock radio. 

Which sounds rather odd, except that I read somewhere it's kinda typical that the style of music we loved while young is the style many of us prefer for, like, till we die.

And that's ok. 

So hear you go. Try not to laugh while you recall that Teenager Debra adored these mostly-so-mellow songs (my friends used to tease me). And today, Decades Older Debra had a hard time pausing these songs after listing each link here because she just kept wanting to listen and listen and---


Once Upon a Time

Yesterday Once More

What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?

Annie's Song

Come Saturday Morning

At Seventeen

Send In The Clowns

Starry, Starry Night

Moonlight Serenade

.... yikes! And I must add this one.

Oh! Oh! How could I forget this?

(And throw in some Simon and Garfunkel, lots more Bread and The Carpenters and some Seals and Crofts.)

And here, below, are the books I've read this past month. The gift of my 'reading room' returned me to The Land of Reading Like Crazy. It's awesome to be back.

Another odd thing? I read some of these books as a teenager, also.

Decades ago I learned that it's okay to love books (and music) that my friends (on the most part) do not. That it's possible to learn vital lessons from fiction as another person might glean only from non-fiction and how-to's. Just think of all the possible combinations of likes/dislikes God had to work with when He uniquely created each of us! It's endless, really.

Remember, God did not take the easy way out and, factory-like, just stamp a bunch of cookie cutter humans. Uh, no. So live your uniqueness and become a truer reflection of your incredibly creative Maker.

Anyway. Books I finished reading this month:

Lasso Your Heart

Spring Comes Riding

Spurs for Suzanna

A Year On Ladybug Farm

At Home On Ladybug Farm

Love Letters From Ladybug Farm

The Scarlet Sail

The Mystery of the Gulls

Linda's Homecoming

The Black Spaniel Mystery

The Secret of Mirror Bay

The Clue In The Old Album

And I'm currently reading these:

Writing Home

Mystery of the Missing Stamps

The Best of Bombeck

Nothing to Do But Stay

Donna Parker on Her Own

Dying To Read

If you don't feel you must follow the crowd, you're much freer to follow God upward through His unique path for you.


Oh, and I'd appreciate prayer for my friend (and a special encourager), Pam, who had to have emergency cancer surgery (scary!) and will begin chemotherapy soon. Thanks so much!


Oh, and I still love Barbie. So there.  :)



  1. Wow,Debra. I read this all misty-eyed. Some of the songs you listed were my absolute favorites when I was young. At seventeen, Send in the clowns, and Starry, starry night always make me cry. Beautiful songs they are. I am reading the Moffats, Sidetracked Home Executives, Created to be his help meet, and Simple abundance. I love The Moffats, thanks for recommending it. Back to music, some other favorites of mine were; Love by The Mercy, Reflections of my life by The Marmalade, and Both sides now by Judy Collins. Thanks for this post.

  2. Correction, it's Love by Mercy not The Mercy.

  3. I loved all those songs and still do! I also was a big fan of the Donna Parker books! I also love the old Barbie's and paper dolls and so grateful I have so many children in my life so I still get to play!

  4. Dolores and Elizabeth--surely seems like we all like the same kinds of music! And Elizabeth--I've only read this one Donna Parker book and now I'm thinking of buying a couple more because it was delightful. Even without children in my life I still read these types of books and play with my Barbies--ha! Just a kid at heart, I think. :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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