Thursday, April 14, 2016

Has It Arrived At Your House Yet?

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever."  ...Psalm 136:1


We're back! My computer and I, that is.

Do you remember Carl, Naomi's boyfriend (who Tom and I hated to see leave more than she did)? Well, his younger brother repaired both Naomi's computer and mine in only an hour. 

Whew. Thank-you, Andrew, for sharing your computer genius-ness and returning to me the key to a world with friends I'd missed. 

Know what else is back? Yesterday early evening was warmish(!) and upon my yellow Prayer Garden chair in the setting sunlight I whispered, "Spring's officially returned. I know this." Then lifted my face to the sun in thankfulness.

We in Buffalo surely do appreciate our Springtimes.

Back are these days of stepping out to the front porch with a book and hot chocolate on glowy, warm mornings. And clipping the dead growth from my garden beds. Spreading compost, transplanting wandering strawberries and forget-me-nots, making trips to Home Depot. Straightening bricks, bringing the watering can and garden decor from the garage and ever so much more.

Oh, I do hope you've not let all the political shenanigans spoil these precious days or ruin your head. It's not worth it! Please choose your own thoughts, pray, for Spring has returned and God's as incredible as always with plans that haven't changed, no matter who on Life's Stage is hollering this year.

Me? I'll keep listening to the quieter, encouraging voice amongst our greening privet hedge and sycamores, wearing-down pathways on my way to our fifth Springtime here at Hobbit Cottage.

"Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."...Philippians 4:8


Tom returns from Toronto tomorrow--hooray! (But heaven help Debra who's been a big ol' lazy thing and needs to finish all the ironing, laundry and bill-paying she only thought about doing while lying upon the red couch and reading in that seaside-feeling closet I've got going upstairs.)


While I was away, I reread A Year On Ladybug Farm. I'd forgotten what a delight that book is and oh yeah! Within its pages I discovered a thank-you note from my friend, Marian, who I'd loaned this book to years ago. What a thoughtful idea, this note, one which reminded me of the ceramic ladybug she'd given to me, as well, as a cute memento of the story.

Now, that is thoughtfulness and if you wish to become a more thoughtful person? Just take an extra step of kindness, go beyond the oh-hum-status-quo of the crowds---and you'll get there.


And I really, really, really appreciated those of you who left me notes saying you'd miss me here. Thank-you from the bottom (and top and middle) of my heart!


It's rather sad to believe only big, official things should be celebrated.  


Free Kindle Books:

Murder Under The Mistletoe

Closing The Gap

How to Have Fun on a Shoestring Budget



  1. We had a lovely taste of spring last weekend here in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Alas, it was a only a taste as freezing temperatures have been back most of the week. Beginning tomorrow it is supposed to be warm yet again. Yeah! I've been rather lazy here myself. The cool weather plays into that...and the fact that I've discovered the world of knitting podcasts. So I knit and watch others talk about knitting!

  2. I believe spring has arrived in the Midwest, too! Hallelujah!! I'm looking forward to placing my overstuffed cushion on the wicker chair that sits on our front porch, and just sitting there. I'll look at the ducks on the pond, listen to the birdsong, and pray for the days ahead. My journey forward to wellness includes chemo that will start in a week, or so. I'm praying for God's preparation, protection and total healing. I'm really glad that spring is here, because it will make these challenges a bit easier to bear!


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