Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Birthday That Blew My Mind

         " ... for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."...Psalm 107:9


The first two days of my week? They loomed grey like this, hour after hour:

Blech. So I asked God for sunshine on Wednesday, my birthday, as a personal favor, a gift, who cares that Ol' Weather Lady promised only more grey.

And you know? For a glorious half hour on Wednesday morning, sunshine seeped through and I ran around to the windows loopy-like, thanking God. And when sunshine shooed all the clouds away around 3:00, I burst outside the backdoor like Julie Andrews did on top of her Sound of Music mountain.

I spied birds fluttering at the feeder and Sally returning from her walk with Buddy The Dog and I ran over to them to say it was my birthday and wasn't this weather glorious? Oh, I felt giddy.

But I forgot to tell you about my earlier wilder adventure.

Back on that grey Tuesday, I thought about how my bronchitis weeks had zapped my earlier walking progress and how wonderful it would be if we had a super-close cafe where I could go drink coffee, watch people and read.

Well, at 9:00 on my (still grey) birthday morning, I grabbed my coat and keys so to walk to 7-11 and--when I reached the little pizza shop-- passed a Fire Department Inspector truck. I paused at the empty, dirty-soaped-up-windowed eyesore store next-door, spied two men in a lighted room, then noticed something new: a notice on the door announcing a soon-coming cafe(!) They promised pastries, coffee and sandwiches.

Oh. My. Goodness. A someday cafe right in my neighborhood! 

With a big smile, I proceeded to 7-11, grabbed a pint of chocolate ice cream, then while the gal rang up my purchase, I told her, "Today is my birthday so I get to have ice cream for breakfast." She looked up, chuckled, then said, "Happy birthday! It's my birthday, too." 

My eyes got wide. "Are you serious?" She nodded and I said, "Happy birthday to you! How fun." She handed me my penny change, I wished her a good rest of the day, then practically glided home on happy thoughts.

Facebook awaited me with lots of fun birthday wishes and encouragement (birthdays at Facebook--like a yummy all-day lollipop), then I ate my ice cream while watching a quirky old episode of NCIS, via Netflix. 

After a walk in the rain (under my umbrella), I spent an hour with those delightful Melendys in and around their Four-Story Mistake. I nibbled on the tiny chocolate bars Naomi gave me and stared at the pretty flowers and scented candle, as well as drinking the flavored seltzer water she'd blessed me with, also. Tom arrived home earlier than he had the past two weeks (big, time-consuming project at work lately) bearing a Mexican feast and a card. 

Were there any rollicking parties for me or vacations to exotic places? Nah, I spent most of the day alone at home. But oh, not once did I feel alone, for I never am. Actually, I felt delightfully, extravagantly, spoiled rotten by God and family and friends. 

It was all so perfect and customized, only something God, Himself, could arrange.


Oh! And my recently-ordered copy of Nothing to Do But Stay arrived in my mailbox yesterday. I nearly devoured the first chapter. Such a good book!


A very special thanks to those of you who wished me a happy birthday here!


Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you!



  1. So happy that you had a good day! Happy Birthday again!

  2. This such a wonderfully, exuberantly happy post! And I loved it! Ice cream for breakfast on your birthday? Yes please. And how fun that you're getting a café right in your own neighborhood. I would love that too. Hubby and I are also fans of NCIS. In fact, yesterday I re-watched Tuesday nights episode, because it was so confusing to me. I had missed a couple of key conversations and could not figure out how they knew "who done it". I just had a birthday in February and I feel the same way as you do about Facebook birthdays. An all day lollipop is a very good description. Happy late birthday!
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Your birthday was a wonderful day! The Lord truly gave you a wonderful blessing!

  4. I am going to have a joyful day today! Thanks for the inspiration and smiles your post is promoting! Have a great day and weekend! Bev

  5. So thankful your day was filled with joy!

  6. Elizabeth--thank-you so much, my friend!

    Betsy--by this comment and your later one, you and I sound like such kindred spirits--how fun! Thanks so much for reading and commenting here--it's always a delight to meet new friends via my blog.

    Robin--I know, right? :) God is so good.

    Bev--I'm so glad my post inspired you to choose to have a joyful day! Thanks so much for letting me know.

    Living On Less--thank-you! It was a joyful birthday for me, indeed.

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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