Friday, March 04, 2016

Are You Noticing Blessings?

Today's lesson? Notice the best things. Everything. Even if you're home a lot like I am. I think God waits for us to notice and appreciate every delight He dropped down to us.

Here are some blessings bestowed upon Hobbit Cottage this week:

                                    Snow-frosted patio furniture.

Gorgeous blue sky from my kitchen window.

Years ago I bought this yard sale plate because I loved it, but couldn't, until this week, decide what to do with it. (Sorry you must twist your head.)

Finally this week I realized it wanted to be a candle holder in our fireplace. (Another thing I must accept--creative ideas don't come as easily to me as they used to.)

One thing I love about winter? Without leaves on the trees, the sun shines so brightly through our windows. (Technically it shone even brighter before I got a pic I liked. Oh well.)

Oh, and while writing this, Neighbor Sally came to the door with some homemade vegetable soup!

But ah, this is such a partial list.

Kind of amazes me that, in my younger years, I thought I had to go out and about in order to find blessings. What a dweeb. heh.  :)

I'm thinking God sends each of us thousands of such blessings and what a tragedy to reach Heaven and realize we only noticed maybe ten.  (Oh dear! Don't let that happen to you.)


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above..."   ... James 1:17


Oh, and lately I've been dreaming about vintage homemaking books like these. With Springtime coming, I'm renewing my determination to make our little home as convenient and efficient as possible.

So I decided upon this book (which hasn't yet arrived):

... after reading about it at this homemaker's blog. Scroll down past the first 7 or so photos till you see the cute lady in a dress standing on a step stool in her kitchen and then go from there to see why I'm so excited for this book to arrive!



  1. Yes, we all enjoy more blessings than we can count. I love looking out the windows to spot the harbingers of springtime. A few days ago, I counted 12 robins in our front yard! They were pulling up earthworms, so I know the earth is warming up and it will soon be pushing up green grass and spring flowers. Like you, I've dealt with some physical challenges this winter. This whole "laying low" is never easy for me, but I also trust that our loving Heavenly Father knows exactly whats going on and He always has a plan. Debra, thanks for reminding us to look for our blessings. Praying for your COMPLETE recovery!!

  2. I have a journal that is specifically for writing my blessings in each day. Even on days when I am not feeling it, I force myself to write at least one thing. Love your pics. Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Pam--thanks so much! Wow, 12 robins already? That's awesome. I have yet to see my first one. Usually they arrive near the end of March here. I hope you're feeling better this week and thanks so much for your prayers!

    Robin--and thank-you Robin! I kept a gratitude journal for a year and it really is surprising how there's always something, even many things to be thankful for, right? Such a good habit to form, gratitude.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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