Friday, February 05, 2016

Words That Helped Me Find My Way

"Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances."   ...Proverbs 25:11


Speaking of our words (my last post), here's an earlier post which illustrates how, 3 decades later, kind words still influence me and the rooms in which I live.

   (The library was half this size the summer I first visited it.)

 I recall the librarian from the tiny town where my family moved before my senior year of high school. Mrs. Baker was a classmate's mom and she used to show me his baby photos, much to Ben's horror. heh. 

Anyway, Mrs. Baker was a hoot to speak with and years afterward, I saw her at a community craft bazaar where she, sitting beside her friend, told me, "Ben said you'd gotten married and are living over on Cedar Street. I told him, "I'm sure Debra decorated her house to look just like Springtime."

Then she turned to her friend, "Debra has a sunny disposition and I can just picture her rooms reflecting sunshine."

Now, actually, my house had lots of dark earth colors (this was 1979 and oh, the pressure to decorate in brown) and I'd not felt satisfied with them. And you know? Ben's mom's words made me want Springtime rooms. Suddenly I knew surrounding myself with bright, golden colors was the answer. They would make me feel happier. 

I returned home that day and rearranged my living room. No, really. I replaced some dark items with colorful ones from inside my cupboards and I made plans. I asked myself, "How can I bring more color into our home?", then scribbled some notes, reaffirming my desire to cease decorating like everyone else.

Yes, all that from kind, uplifting words. Words clearly and fondly remembered all these 37 years later.

Never, ever dismiss the importance of speaking positive, encouraging words. In today's world, they're more vital than perhaps they've ever been before.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."   ...Proverbs 16:24


Speaking of Springtime, this gardening article has me absolutely antsy to get back out to my gardens!


Yesterday while playfully perusing local real estate online (my guilty pleasure), I came upon this 'flip house' quite like ours. What a great job they did on the living room/kitchen:

... as well as the bathroom:


Don't forget! Valentine's Day is coming. Soon.



  1. Words are so important. Words can make or break a person.
    Encouraging words can mean the difference between a "great" day and just
    "another" day. Thanks for the reminder. Keep writing!

  2. Beverly--thank-you so much! And I totally agree about how our words can have a huge affect upon others' days. Your own words, 'keep writing', totally made my weekend--thanks! Blessings, Debra


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