Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February Random Thoughts

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."  ... 1 Thessalonians 5:11


1.) Naomi asked Tom if he'd like her to watch the Super Bowl with him. She knows I'm not a fan, except of the clever new commercials. She even made the best nachos in the history of the world for us. What a sweetie.

2.) Have you watched Monumental Mysteries over at Netflix? If high school history had been this interesting, I'd have received better grades and a more favorable opinion of the subject.

3.) I'd not eaten chocolate ice cream in months so yesterday I walked over to 7-11 to purchase some. A young man held the door open for me--while I was at least 12 steps away! This often happens and is partly why living in Western New York delights me.

4.) Hooray! Often through the years I'd wished I could watch Joyce Meyer via Netflix in our living room rather than only here at my office computer. Just last week some of Joyce's episodes finally were made available at Netflix. Woo hoo! I also heard that other Bible teachers were added. Cool.

5.) Yesterday three gift-card-ordered vintage Scholastic books arrived. Perfect timing. I sat at the dining room table in the cloudy window light and read one-and-a-half of these:

6.) Part of my angst during these two weeks of low energy comes from rare winter weather which feels exactly like early Springtime. Looks like it, also, well, until last night's dusting of snow. Springtime for me means new projects! And that's what I've had on my mind--but I've lacked the energy to see any of them through, even in their planning.

Oh, and what do you think of this wallpaper?

I'm considering using it to wrap around our column-like chimney walls in our kitchen. Stay tuned.

7.) For years Tom and I wondered how to find a safe/reliable place to buy silver or gold coins. By way of The Economic Collapse Blog (whose author I trust) we discovered JMBullion.  Our first order came quickly and just as expected.

8.) On Monday I sat at our table and wrote upon Valentines to send to friends. And felt ten-years-old all over again. Highly recommended.

9.) Speaking of being ten, a childhood friend, Althea, recently visited the seminary with her sister, dad (and family) where we all lived in the 1960's. She shared wonderful photos with my sister and me at Facebook, including this one of our family's duplex (we lived on the left. See the mountains? There was even a gorgeous bay and bridge, below.):

... and this other amazing view only steps away:

And see the stair railings? Constantly we slid down those. But at the flat railings we 'twirled'. Remember twirling? You'd tie your cardigan to the rail, sling your leg over, interlace your fingers around your knee, then spin around and around and around and--

And oh, all the hours of roller skating upon the miles of seminary sidewalk. And though I've over-shared it, this song is so very linked to our days there in Mill Valley. Happy sigh.

Facebook--what a grand place for keeping in-touch with folks we thought we'd lost forever decades ago. Thank-you Althea and Jay for the cherished resurrected memories.

10.) And I do thank each of my readers who've expressed your get-well wishes! I'm continuing to steadily improve now. Whew.


"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."   ...Proverbs 17:22


Free Kindle book:

The Kitchen Cat And Other Stories

And you'll find a variety of free Kindle how-to books here.

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