Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wanting More Light, Not Distractions

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."  ...Matthew 5:14


Wondering where I've been? God's Opposite World. Again.

You know--that place where the first come in last and servants are great and where you must give before you receive. And where PeaceThatPassesUnderstanding never seeps away, even if Times appear bad/sad/ridiculous.

The darkness of this Temporary 2016 World stuff isn't getting me down.

No, I'm here reading vintage books in our sunny dining room windows, warm next to our tiny heater, snow on the lawns outside. And listening to good Bible-in-these-Last-Days teaching online, learning new survival skills from YouTube, scribbling notes. Ordering prepper supplies.

Dusting our ceiling fan, wiping icy boot prints from the kitchen floor. Thinking about cleaning our basement. Doing laundry, exercising, feeding the poor, shivering birds outside. Visiting Neighbor Sally, trying new recipes with Clara, ironing Tom's endless shirts. Rearranging shelf-stable foods, making grocery lists, dishing up cat food, listening to Naomi play her electric piano, upstairs.

And praying for our crumbling world.

Feeling so surrounded by contentment, gratitude and peace, that my daytimes feel only 3 hours long. They whoosh by, even as I savor them and attempt to slow them down.

I love what Lori Bakker slowly said one day:

 "As these Last Days grow darker and darker and darker, we must shine brighter and brighter and brighter." 

I've found as I draw nearer to God, His bright light keeps the world's end-time darkness from creeping anywhere near my heart. New purpose pushes the distractions aside, allowing Joy to swim to the surface, then overflow upon those who're floundering, confused, blindfolded.

There becomes less trying to shine and more just reflecting what, Who, my eyes behold the most during these fleeting hours.


“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him”
― John Piper

We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining - they just shine.

 "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."  ... Ephesians 6:10


Something else I did while away from here? I read bits of history of a street near our former Autumn Cottage. To me--fascinating stuff. (Click on the addresses to view the large old homes.)

I even discovered that Eunice (on the right) who I see everyday in my kitchen with her sisters:

... married a young man who grew up on that street. And the girls' father was a florist. It took me 20 years to discover this. 

To read more about Eunice, Esther and Ella, go here.


Find free (as of today) homesteading kindle books here.  Always check that these books are still free before clicking 'buy', ok?



  1. So glad to hear that you've been enjoying your days, surrounded by good things and God'peace. We had 4 inches of snow on the ground when I woke this morning, and it didn't even bother me. It's truly so beautiful, blanketing everything during this cold snap. So much to be grateful for! Let us know what recipe of Clara's you tried, and how you liked it. I watched all of her videos and thought she was such a doll. Wishing you continued joy.

  2. A beautiful post Debra! It is wonderful that we can enjoy "our world" inspire of what is going on in the world!


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