Wednesday, January 06, 2016

The Mysterious Cavalry? They're Not Coming.

"But the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."   ...John 14:26


"It's the seekers who find what they need."

So to keep me balanced and from going all, "The sky is falling!," I bought a couple kids' lit. novels with the Amazon Christmas gift card Tom gave me.

Aren't the covers wonderfully vintage?

And the writing style of this new-to-me author feels engaging, perfect, especially while sitting beside our windows where the sun has finally returned after a rare, sunless week.

Oh, how I missed sunshine! Years past, I'd have sunk into our couch following a long grey string of days, but not now. I believe Vitamin D3, 4,000 units daily, helps keep me emotionally stable--healthy, also, since I've not had a cold or the flu since March of 2011 (a personal record).

Life changed for me when I stopped waiting for some mysterious cavalry to fix whatever broke. 

"Someone else come do everything for me!" just doesn't work. I tried it. For eons. 

Slowly, following God's lead, I began my own learning quest and sought (online and elsewhere) ways to beef up my immune system. How to sleep better and view Life with a positive spin. And ways to feel healthier, bolder, freer, more grateful ...

... and how marvelous when one day in all my seeking, I finally awoke and sensed Jesus beside me. Shoulder to shoulder we sat and suddenly I knew loneliness was gone, would return only if I wanted something, someone, other than Him. How can anyone be lonely with the God of all comfort and encouragement sharing her breathing space?

These journeys He takes us on are meant only for our good. To change doldrums to delight and oh-hum to oh wow. For always. Forever.

                                         Our morning's sunrise.


"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”   ... Deuteronomy 31:8

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."  ... Jeremiah 29:13

"Just do it."



... came from this blogger's post with links to help us have a better new year.


"You can do this! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you."



  1. Those look like delightful books! I'm going to have to try the Vit D3 recommendation!

  2. I like the photo of the cavalry, and unusual to see so many white horses. How good you have found solutions to the blues and for keeping healthy.

  3. Tracy--oh yes! I hope you'll try Vit. D3. It's totally boosted my immune system over the years and I'm grateful. I also believe the Vit. C that I take as well as acidolphulus help much. And the books *are* delightful! I finished reading Stepsister Sally and after the last two pages, I had to pull myself together to keep from crying because of such a great, sentimental ending. :)

    Terra-- I enjoyed seeing the white horses as well! And it does feel great to be healthy year after year rather than catching every cold that comes along. heh.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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