Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tom and Debra's Excellent Adventure

"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”   ...Hebrews 13:5


Maybe you noticed it's December 13th and I've not even mentioned Christmas yet.

I'm thinkin' I want to ignore Christmas this year (preferring year 'round Christmas). And then see if the world collapses into itself, afterward. heh. 


Tom and I could not ignore his company's yearly Christmas party which was held in East Aurora, a town 40 minutes from us and the birthplace of Fisher Price toys (they once had their awesome toy museum there). 

Well, we'd meant to check-out the famous Roycroft Inn/Campus for decades, and last night we finally did, for the party was there. More? Tom and I, the ol' stay-at-homes, even spent the night(!) Being wary of risking our lives on dark, snowy roads, Tom, months ago, had his hand on the phone for a reservation before the next-party announcement even ended.

Except, this year Buffalo is skipping snow. 

Yes, while our weather records shatter, most Buffalonians are celebrating this (me, too!). But we decided to stay overnight anyway. As you know, we don't get out much--this year's train vacation was wildly rare.

The Inn's lobby and our room charmed me and made me miss the Craftsman vibe we had going on at Autumn Cottage, though I told my emotions to accept that was an old season--now we're in a new one. (I tell my emotions how to behave. They balk at first, but later, they more readily do what the Real Me tells them. We are more, greater, than our emotions, you know.)

The actual party in the lovely Hubbard Room? The violin music began quietly, as did the happy hour conversations and laughter. But they all kept ramping it up. Faster violins, louder voices, faster violins, louder laughter. My head spun, making it harder to read lips (my hearing loss, and all) and I think at one point I lost consciousness.

But it was great.  :)

I recall meeting one very sweet young woman who said she'd like to read my blog. And Tom's best work buddy made us laugh, again, as only he can. Oh, and I personally thanked his wife for the two much-appreciated meals she cooked for us after Tom's mother passed away. I'd sent her a thank-you note, but to express my appreciation in-person was better.

And of course, in the midst of the laughter and clinking glasses and elegance, I prayed for everyone. 

In the morning, we came down the elevator to the lobby, got some wonderful coffee, then elevated back upstairs, watched HGTV, and relaxed. Checked-out at the desk while thanking one of Tom's bosses for such a pleasant time. We chose a slower route home on this grey morning, I snapped photos from the opened window (rain flicking upon me) and we stopped for breakfast at Lucky's Redhots, which sounds like a hot dog stand, but is a family restaurant. (Though,yes, we got red hots to go. You know, for lunch at home.)

Just being home, loving this--it's the best. Which is remarkable after living together 37 years and here in our tiny Hobbit Cottage for 4. 

How good of God to make such a simple, daily thing so pleasing, for we each are given thousands of those days! How heart-filling to be home-- we long for nothing else except more simplicity. More contentment. More of God.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him."    ... Psalm 34:8  


Grey, grey morning leaving East Aurora today.

And another East Aurora landmark--Vidler's. You would go crazy (in the best way) inside this old-fashioned 5-and-Dime store. Been there for decades. 
It's a maze--you wander up steps here, down steps there, into dozens of little rooms full of trinkets people don't even sell anymore. Well, not in one place anyway.

I hope everyone can visit a Vidler's type store at least once in their lives.



  1. Same weather here in Michigan. I am sooo not complaining. Sometimes I do. About snow especially. So much charm in that hotel! What fun!

  2. I looked at the pictures of your old house and you are such a heroine for not looking back. Your house now is wonderful, but I have a hard time leaving the past behind, so I can so sympathize with anyone who is looking back and fighting off regret in any way. Your attitude is very inspiring and very realistic. We should all enjoy what we have now - and thank God for it - rather than look back. What a lovely trip you had, except for the noise and commotion of the party. The overnight looked delightful. Hopefully you'll have a bit of snow for Christmas, and then, maybe not as much as Buffalo is famous for.

  3. Judy-- it *was* fun and charming! I'm glad we got to go, even though before these type of things we have to remind ourselves not to dread them. :) Wasn't this terrific December weather, well, terrific?

    Susan--so glad you looked at our Autumn Cottage photos! It felt like a 14 year long decorating class for me while living there and I enjoyed making all the changes.

    But you know? For four years I've been keeping a list of ways our present house is better--and there are now 30 things on that list! And regarding our Autumn Cottage, perhaps only 2 or 3 things were better. So Hobbit Cottage

    I think the wonderful southern exposure and big windows in our main rooms are the biggest plusses and make me happiest. Autumn Cottage often felt too dark and closed-in between neighbors. The kitchen especially and oh! How I'm *still* celebrating my sunny kitchen with a window over the sink.

    We did enjoy our Friday and Saturday away in such a Craftsman type setting. Gave me some new ideas, even. But it still felt so good to return to our home sweet home :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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