Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Never Switch Off The Light In Your Corner of the World

 " ... my only aim is to finish the race with joy and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace."   ... Acts 20:24


Know what I love most about preparing in all ways for an uncertain future in this 2015 world-gone-crazy? It keeps me from ever feeling out-of-control of my life.

Prepping gives me a plan. Missions, goals.
Much to do within my home, yard, neighborhood. 
Items to buy, organize. 
Skills to learn: how to heat, cook, light rooms, clean things, make financial decisions, barter, share and survive in all new ways.

And you know? Prepping keeps me far too busy to waste hours (days!) of this precious life complaining on social media about politicians, gun control, crime and cruel people. Nor will I set my focus and hope upon a 'political savior'.

No, God's given me other plans. And rather than whine, complain and feel helpless, I'll lean against His shoulder and listen. Follow. I can never become a victim this way, not when greater is He beside and within me than he who's having his heyday in this present world.

Satan's days are limited, but mine aren't. Already God's set me upon the road to Eternity and may I take each step with purpose. 

I'm a light in a world gone dark, He whispers to me. 

My eyes remain upon Jesus, our country's only hope (as well as our repentance), as are my thoughts and conversations. And may I finish my course with joy, getting in much early practice for a splendid, brightly-lit eternity awaiting me just up this road a little bit.


"Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."  ... Ephesians 5:15,16

             "I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways." ...Psalm 119:15

My home's atmosphere is my responsibility. If the world's insanity seeped inside, I allowed it to.


Speaking of being a light ... isn't this a pretty homemade lamp?

                           Discover how to make one at home here.

                           Or a variation of it here.


Find Ms. Prepper's blog here.


What's cooking in my crockpot? Creamy pork and potatoes (with chilies and jalapenos).
Yesterday it was pork necks and vegetable stew.


  1. OK, nobody wants to go through hard time but lucky us- we know how it ends. : ) Angela

  2. The words in the cartoon show a great way to enter social media. Let us let our lights shine in the darkness.

  3. Angela! Yes! It ends well for us, so that's good. :) And lately I'm thinking that I need to be prepared to help others, in all ways, for it to end well for them. I'm enjoying this new mission!

    Terra-- it's great when we can do our part to shine our light online, right?

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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