Sunday, November 08, 2015

See You At The Pool!

"For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful..."    --- 2 Timothy 3:2


The book, Pulse, left me swimming in Intense Gratitude. 

Months later I've still not come up for air. I marvel that water gushes from our faucets and that, by turning a tiny switch, I can make a lamp glow. When I press a button on the wall, my home goes from cold to warm, as does my food when placed upon a stove. With our phones I can call for services which keep our lives and house running well and gorgeous music wafts through our rooms.

In light, warmth and comfort I sit at this computer and discover how my friends are feeling, or order groceries, do research, email Tom at work, watch tv shows. Or write to you. 

Tom and I have a sweet daughter who's returning home. Our health. Food, clothing, shelter. A home that is paid for, gas for our car, money to pay our bills. A yard, huge trees, four garden beds.

And lately we've had the most perfect, gloriously-golden Autumn that I ever recall.

You won't find me these days looking for a political savior nor listing all that's gone wrong in the USA or with my relatives, my town, the Internet. No, this pool of Intense Gratitude keeps me immersed-- rejoicing, brushing away glad, stinging tears. And much too busy being proactive in future preparations rather than wasting energy being all reactive about how the world's doing everything wrong.

Do I believe God will soon visibly judge our bent-on-sinning Country? I do. And even those of us not actively participating in those blatant sins will--I believe--be held responsible for this: that we did not spend the majority of our decades swimming in Intense Gratitude for all God so lavishly splashed upon us. 

For not recognizing that yes, it was a wonderful life when God led us. And that we too often wished for more when, already, our cups, our pools, wildly overflowed.


  "...with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  ...Philippians 4:6

"Then Jesus answered, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?”   ... Luke 17:18


More Prepping Ideas:

Ways to light your home when the power goes out.  Are you prepared?

And here's that milk jug and headlamp idea I gave you earlier.

Since last year, I've bought ten-hour votive candles here. They're reliable, reasonably-priced and have cotton wicks (which I prefer).

The best price I've found on tea lights is still for those I found at our actual WalMart store: Mainstays 100 tea lights for 2.99. If you can find that same price online, please let me know. I'll do nearly anything to avoid shopping at a real-live WalMart.   :)

Oh, and my good buddy, Dolores, told me this week about Zote soap which I'd never heard of before. It comes in a 14.1 oz. bar and you can use it to clean everything (and everyone. heh.). 

Dolores said she's found it cheaply (.89 cents to 1.49) at WalMart, Big Lots and Latino stores. Sounds like a terrific and simple thing for our prepper shelves!

"Better to be a year too soon than ten minutes too late."   

... Jewish proverb


Naomi and her cats will begin their trip to move back home tomorrow (Tuesday) and will arrive here Wednesday. Any prayers for their safety would be appreciated.... thanks so much!

What's cooking in my crockpot today? Italian wedding soup. (My version, anyway.)


"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  ... 1 Thessalonians 5:18


  1. Debra, I'll meet you at the pool! During this season of Thanksgiving, when I recall my blessings,there's simply no end. Praying for Naomi's safe trip home.

  2. Thanks, Kim!

    Pam--so true!There's no end to our blessings, especially when adding the ones we can't recall or those we don't even perceive as being blessings. :) Thanks so much for praying for Naomi!

    Thank-you Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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