Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Me, The Mad Scientist

"The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." ... Romans 13:12


Yesterday I felt like I was back in a high school science classroom. Sort of.

Remember when I gave you that link to a homemade flower pot heater? Finally I brought out my votive candles (which I've found cheaply here) and a little dish, and tried it for myself in our fireplace. 


The flower pots did become hot and gave off ambient heat, but if I'd relied upon this to save my life on an icy day? I'd have, uh, died. Mostly the rim of the large pot just made a pleasant hand warmer.

Then, duh!  I recalled that other folks had left the large flower pot's hole, bare. I checked-out a couple more videos and--yes. They said the heat came from the top hole. Yikes! I'd covered it with a bolt, washers and nut like Original Video Guy told me to.

Well, he can keep his hand warmer, but I'm moving onward. Upward.

So with pot holders, I removed the attached flower pots and let them cool. Unscrewed everything, then reinstalled the hardware only on the small pot. Replaced it over the bricks and candles. Sat the big pot on top.

Wow. Almost immediately heat poured through the now-unencumbered top hole. When Tom arrived home, even he was impressed.

Truly there is a reason that die-hard preppers beg you to try out these handy-dandy tricks before an emergency.

Got it.

Oh, and there are no fumes worth mentioning. My earlier problems with those months ago must have stemmed from the painted tiles I used instead of bricks. Hmm. Today (or tomorrow) I'm considering trying 3 tea lights instead of votives.


"But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”   ... Luke 21:36


Another prepper hint:

Wondering how I've felt since having a filling and two teeth pulled? Wonderful. Relieved. Blessed.

Which reminds me--amongst all my prepper reading, folks often told me to get any tooth problems fixed now. If possible. Because if one foolishly waits and then a major, now-you've-gotta-stay-home catastrophe happens? One is then forced to sit around holding her pain-throbbing head in her hands, moaning about what a procrastinating ninny she was.

Well, that was my take on it, anyway. 

And oh my, am I ever grateful God made certain I took their advice, discovered the fun-time dentist office down the street and went for help before it was too late.



Did you watch last week's episode of Chicago Fire? Wow. One of the best, ever. Tom and I kept wiping away tears the whole last half.

Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D. -- still our two favorite current shows. We so enjoy how they are character-based rather than crime-of-the-night based like many other series.


Oh, and did you read about this man who collected pennies since the 1970's? I like how he saw them as incentives from God to be thankful.


Happy Veteran's Day!


  1. I've been wanting to try this! Glad to hear how it best works.

  2. Clever heater and glad you got your dental work done.

  3. Good things to consider! Glad you heater substitute worked for you. :)


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