Monday, November 23, 2015

Here Now? You Can Handle Now.

Hey Everyone--- here's a post tweaked from August of 2012. It's been on my mind lately...


"And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”  ... Esther 4:14

Something surreal happened yesterday. 

See those 1937 yearbook pages above? Well, a young woman outside my window looked like she'd stepped right off of one. She strolled the sidewalk along our hedge and as she reached the center, a hundred sparrows from our feeders wooshed and swirled over her head, making her smile while she continued down the street.

Oh, what I glimpse from my kitchen window!

With some work and a bit of money I can create a magical addition to our neighborhood-- a quiet, but colorful place, a pleasing yard for the eyes of people tired of this shooting-of-the-week world in which we live. I can make the fluttering of sparrows' wings available to lift their hearts on an ordinary afternoon.

My goal? To leave this house and yard better for my having lived here.

And that simple happening yesterday also reminded me of this: Since God's got me in this world now, He will equip me to handle what's happening now.

He will strengthen me emotionally, spiritually, to bear all the rampant violence out there and give me Grace to hold me up. Together.
No need for, "If just one more thing goes wrong, I will lose my mind!"
He will enable me to find the good in Life. Keep me from wishing days away or that I'd lived in an earlier decade.

But only if--rather than relying upon myself or others-- I rely upon Him. Use His strength for uplifting others and proclaiming good news, not spreading more bad, increasing fear or anger. 

Even in 2015, He still makes beauty from ashes. 
Creates ways where there were none. 
Makes things beautiful in His time. 

And because we're here now? We can handle now. We can! Because He can through us. For such a time as this, He sent us here and as you know, He does all things well. 

Always has, always will.


"...but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more,"  ... Romans 5:20

"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  ... Matthew 28:20


Something which also helps me keep my sanity in this crazy world? Having the occasional Old-fashioned Day. I might put on an apron, play my 1940's and 50's radio station and get out my 1940's magazines and yearbooks. Make coffee, bake a cake. Sweep the sidewalk, watch Leave It To Beaver, stay off the computer. Write a letter, clean out a drawer, iron some tea towels and take a walk around an old neighborhood. Anything a homemaker of the 1940's might do.

After a day like that, all feels well. Sane. Normal.


A dear lady from two favorite years of my teenage days, passed away recently and I wanted to share the 'life film' her sister created for her. It's so beautiful. My vintage-loving friends will appreciate Darlene's fun, retro photos and everyone will glimpse her awesome sense of humor, her photogenic-ness and how much she loved her husband, family and God. Her wonderful attitude enabled her, I believe, to live on in joy even through her cancer years. 

Tom spent time with Darlene only once, but he really appreciated this awesome, touching film. I think you might, also.

Good-bye for now, Darlene. I'm so glad I knew you and I'll visit you soon in your new glorious home. In my mind, already I see you there healed, beautiful, and infused with overflowing joy.


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