Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Sneaking Out of Blogland. For Awhile.

Well, Folks... I need to take a blogging break for around 12 days, or so. 

Let's just say I have a major project which will require much focus and attention. A good project, so no worries, all right? And I promise the next time I write, I'll explain all the juicy details.  :)

So in the meantime, feel free to read my archives or my online book if you've not yet done so. Or visit other blogs or take a walk rather than reading my blog or--- Well, use your imagination and have a bit of extra fun while I'm away from Blogland, ok? 

I'll miss you, of course. Those of you who comment here or at Facebook or in emails and even those who read but seldom, if ever, comment. Just knowing that 130 (or so) of you stop by regularly is enough to keep my heart warm and my fingers typing.

Please take good care of yourselves, perhaps do a little extra prepping for upcoming changes in our Country (just couldn't resist slipping that in!) and I'll see you when I return.

May extra blessings come your way, Debra

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you.


Oooo! And I'll leave this for you to think about. Encouragement City, especially in this world in which we all find ourselves living. (Click to enlarge.)


Oh, and to my Facebook friends; I'll also be away from there during this time. I'll miss your interesting stories, photos, prayer requests--and you!


Free Kindle Books:


A Song for Bellafortuna

Finding Hope


Each day is a new canvas to paint upon. Make sure your picture is full of life and happiness and at the end of the day you don't look at it and wish you had painted something different.

 Ritu Ghatourey quotes  


  1. You will be missed Debra! I will look forward to your return!

  2. I'm dying of suspense now!! :)

  3. Enjoy your time away. You will be missed.

  4. Elizabeth, Tracy and Robin--thanks so much for commenting, Ladies. It's nice knowing I'll be missed! :)

    Blessings, Debra

  5. Yes, you WILL be missed! But can't wait to hear all the juicy details when you return. :) Will be praying for your adventure, whatever it is!

  6. See you here on the 19th or thereabouts, or come over and say hi on my blog upon your return.

  7. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Great post. I'm experiencing many of these
    issues as well..


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.