Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Dentist Office: From The Twilight Zone?

"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps."   ...Proverbs 16:9


If a person can have a wonderful time having two teeth pulled, I did.

I mean, an assistant took me upstairs and just as I eased myself into the chair, her friend walked into a closet door and both dissolved into laughter. My dentist ('Dr. Brown') had an emergency below, so while 1960's and 70's music played (my favorite!), this assistant sat beside me and we chatted about the weather and the time change until the handsome, Naomi's-age dentist arrived.

Here he is, standing in the back.

What a cutie, right? And I honestly doubt there's a more compassionate, kind, called-to-be-a-dentist guy out there. Not in any hurry, he explained everything to me; what he'd do, what I'd feel. Step by step with a gentleness that made me think, "If Naomi decides to marry, oh my, may she find a guy exactly like Dr. Brown." (He's already taken, alas. Here he is with his sweet family.)

Dr. Brown took my blood pressure and pulse, asking how they usually are. I said, "Oh, probably average." As he afterward unwrapped the sleeve-thingy he said, "Forget average. They're more like textbook. Perfect! Wow." (Later he said my teeth, yes, were bad, but the bones holding them were super strong and healthy. I'm thinking Vitamin D3 has much to do with that.)

Only one of the mouth-numbing shots hurt and did you know in dental school they practice giving those shots to fellow students? Oh my. There go my dreams of becoming a dentist. heh.


It was all over in 70 minutes and everyone was so sympathetic. I walked the block-and-a-half home with a swollen, gauzy, but smiling mouth. Sally was taking the mail from her box and waved to me. "Dentist." I said to her, pointing. "Teeth pulled." She said, "Oh you poor thing. Let me know if you need anything, ok?"

Tom arrived home later, then went out to buy ice cream for my dinner. (Dr. Brown prescribed that. So there.) And around 6:00? Dr. Brown, himself, called to see how I was feeling.

I feel so blessed and you know? I need much more dental work done and I'm looking forward to it, to returning to that happy dentist office around the corner.

And really, who says that??!! I guess I do. Now. 

And I'm so thankful that decades ago I stopped trying to control everything and instead, let God direct my steps. It's because of Him that we ended up at Hobbit Cottage just around the block from The Enchanted Dentist Office. 

His ways are not ours and it's because of Him that I'm learning to expect great things--not flawed, difficult or same ol' as the world's ones-- because I'm being led by a great God. Indeed.


"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you."   ... Psalm 32:8

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."  ...Proverbs 3:5-6


Naomi arrived safely in NYC. Thanks so much for your prayers!


Oh, forgot to tell you that a friend of my mom's gave away her favorite pieces of furniture after she discovered she was dying. She wanted to see the happiness on peoples' faces as she did so. (Cool idea, right?)

Well, she gave my mom a beautiful antique table and look what Mom did to the three Victorian ladies' breasts:

... she covered them all with strips of fabric.

Oh my. Suddenly my early-years body issues make so much more sense.  :)

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."...   ...Psalm 139:14


What's cooking in my crockpot today?  Pork neck stew.


  1. That sounds like a good dental office experience.

  2. Debra, you make me smile! My daughter is a nurse in a family clinic, and she talks about how few genuinely positive patients come thru the door. Many are consumed by nerves and fear. Her experiences have changed how I approach my own medical appointments. Doctors and their coworkers are human, and regardless of how many titles they might have behind their names, my attitude will affect them and their staff. I'll bet your dentist looks forward to seeing you again! I got to know my dentist quite well last year when I had a bridge made. Is that in your future, too?

  3. Terra--I always have such a good time there. Isn't that wild? :)

    Pam--I hope my calmness was a blessing to the young dentist. :) Thanks for sharing what your daughter has seen! No bridge in my future, at least, I'm not planning on one. I'm gonna try going natural. :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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