Friday, October 02, 2015

Another Day After---

" not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."   ...Isaiah 41:10


Some days it's difficult being a blogger. Like the mornings following yet one more school shooting--it feels almost wrong to write about joy when you know others are suffering fresh wounds. 

But then I remind myself that every single day people, somewhere, are feeling devastated. Always, in some place, there are wars and floods and tragedies and unspeakable crimes and if I let that silence me (as satan would prefer)? Then I'll not fulfill this calling of God as a writer of everyday life with Jesus. 

And then that would become a (albeit smaller) tragedy of its own. Anytime anyone fails to do what God asks, ripples of repercussions wash over lost, searching people. Always someone, somewhere, will suffer when we do nothing, even if our something seems ever so small.

If God asks us to do a thing, then how can that thing even be small? It can't. 

In His sight, all is important, weighty. Every detail works to fulfill the huge plan He has for the history of this world, a history we'll comprehend and gasp in appreciation for only after we've been in Heaven awhile. But only now can we contribute our part of that history still unfolding.

At least, that's what I believe.


And yes, I've been praying for the victim's families of this latest school shooting, one that felt more jarring because Christians were targeted. And I believe it goes much deeper than just the 'mental health' issue in this case: the spirit of the anti-Christ is roaming around, searching for anyone willing to open himself up to him. 

We were warned of these times centuries ago.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."   ... Ephesians 6:12


Over at Facebook this morning I saw this, probably for the hundredth time, but it seemed more fitting in Today's world than ever:

No matter what's happening or who bails out of our life or how we're feeling--we must do the right thing. Stand strong. Shine our light.

When we stand before God someday, we will, after all, stand there alone, with no one else to blame. Our excuses will die even before they reach our tongue. And oh, the accountability of it all!


And now I'll end this rather heavy post with a smile. Three, actually:

And this:

Ring Bearer and Flower Girl Marry 17 Years Later.


Oh, and tomorrow (Saturday) Naomi will fly to New York City where she'll meet her friends (a married couple) who have a band. The three of them will then fly to London where they'll perform for a week or so. Any prayers for their safety would be appreciated so much--thank-you!



  1. True....very true, Debra!

  2. I felt that way too last night, feeling overwhelmed by the evil of it, and then I remembered a verse from my devotion for yesterday:

    "For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all."
    Romans 11:32.

    I don't really understand this, but I know I don't have to, that I can trust that he does and I have to go on with my work, in my own sphere of influence, even while mourning another shattering happening in today's world.

  3. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Very well said, Debra. I totally agree. You are so right to remind us of the verse that tells us we fight not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities. I just pray that if I ever was faced with the situation where I could deny my faith to save my life, that I would have the courage to claim Christ as my own.
    I get a daily email Bible verse, and this was yesterday's:
    Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5: 11-12

    We recently drove through and stopped for lunch in Roseburg Oregon (back in June). What a lovely little town... my heart is so heavy for everyone involved.

  4. Beautiful post Debra! Prayers for Naomi to have safe travels!

  5. My heart was heavy with the news of the shooting, too. So many lives will be affected by this tragedy, however, we have a Savior who stands by, willing and able to lead us through whatever lies ahead of us. I will definitely remember Naomi in my prayers.


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