Tuesday, September 22, 2015

More New Beginning Than Death

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants."  ...Psalm 116:15


On Sunday afternoon, Tom's mother passed away.

For years she'd wanted to make the trip to Heaven, for many months she'd lived closer to there than Earth, in a bed, unable to do little more than watch tv. And now she's been set free, totally healed from heart problems and a crippled leg from mistreatment in childhood.

Healed. Running in smooth rhythm. Reunited with her husband and loved ones gone for so long. And face to face with Jesus, basking in that warm heavenly Light we on Earth can only dream about. 

My mind enjoys imagining her breathing air molecules containing, I think, pure joy. Frankly, it's hard not to be envious. 

For years, I've remembered Tom's mom whenever I make tuna sandwiches. Once while we all lived in a California town, Tom and I dropped by to see his parents one afternoon following a tiff with them which had lasted much too long. Kitty stood at the counter stirring tuna salad for sandwiches and asked if we'd like one and while munching the tasty tuna, pickles, celery and lots of mayo, we chatted and healed what had been a broken relationship.

Again, that word--healed. The longer we're here, the more opportunities for healing we're given, even before Heaven.

Kitty was more one-of-a-kind than most-- colorful, unique and not simple to understand. But if you were patient, could stretch your heart from its usual places, she could brighten your world and make you view Life from a whole different slant. May we all have such people in our lives to keep us from only stepping corner to corner within our own small boxes.

Her final years were difficult, but she tried to make the best of them and became a favorite of her nurses. The last chapters of Life show us what's deepest within, and what shone from Kitty was sweetness and patience. 

But oh, how she did want to make that one-way trip to a most glorious Heaven! And finally on a quiet, sunny Sunday afternoon, with her daughter and grandson beside her, she did.

And so clearly can I see her running within that glowing, most perfect Light.

      “I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.” 
― L.M. MontgomeryAnne of the Island


There will be a small family gathering in Kitty's honor in October and Tom and I are hoping to attend.

Tom took yesterday off from work and chatted with his best buddy there over the phone. And an amazing thing? His wife is making us dinner for two nights. Oh my goodness! That's way too kind. 

But I'll gladly accept it.  :)


This weekend Tom and I finally watched The Age of Adaline. We both agreed it was wonderful.


Free Kindle Books:

A Fine Mess

What on Earth Is Happening?


  1. My condolences to you and Tom.If I were closer, I would love to make dinner for you! It is a good thing when we know our loved ones are I'm heaven and that we will see them again!

  2. Netflix doesn't have The Age of Adeline on streaming. Looks like a good one!

  3. Elizabeth--you are so sweet! Thank-you for thinking about making dinner for us. :) And yes--what fun reunions we'll have in Heaven!

    Tracy--we got The Age of Adeline from Netflix on disc. It is a really good movie--I think you'd enjoy it!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. Sending you hugs and prayers. What a lovely memorial you have written for Tom's mother.

  5. Pam--thank-you for being sweet! You are much appreciated. Blessings, Debra


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