Monday, September 28, 2015

But What's On The Inside?

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."   ...Luke 2:19


On Saturday, for your sake, I so regretted forgetting my camera.

See, Tom and I visited another estate sale in a vintage house (a Cape) whose walls hadn't been repainted since probably the 1960's. And when I spied a tv like this:

... my heart did that skipping-across-an-album sound. I don't recall ever seeing such an evocative television set in these time warp houses.


Most of the walls were a greeny-turquoise, including the kitchen whose basic, old cabinets shone white. But! The insides of them had been painted the most cheerful cherry red, and wow, I instantly smiled and thought, "Only a fun person would have done that, would have enjoyed that burst of color when reaching for a glass. I wish I'd have known her."

That unexpected cherry red inside those cabinets intrigued me all day.

And you know? It reminded me that the insides of people, also, can surprise us. A person may appear oh-hum on the outside, but then prove herself strong inside in hard times with a strength which comes only from time spent with God.

Unlike the zillions of nurses who recently fell apart and/or went rabid regarding The View incident, I most appreciate folks who--on the inside-- get their encouragement from God. No relying on peoples' 'up' words for them. No shaking, sinking if the right words don't come. The strong-yet-gentle people listen to God's "Atta girl! You've got this. With My help you can do this important thing."

And it is plenty. More than enough, for "greater is He who is within us than he who is outside throwing darts."

Those confident-in-God folks are the ones I recalled after opening those cupboards and finding myself surprised, intrigued and wishing I'd have met the woman, now gone, who chose a paint color which would take my breath away decades later. 

The world (or my world, anyway) spins better, smoother, because of people like her. 

" ... but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious."   ... 1 Peter 3:4


Speaking of a fun lady....

Oh! My fellow vintage-loving friends will enjoy Clara and her Great Depression Cooking videos. I just met her yesterday (what took me so long?) and I am charmed and inspired.

Here's my favorite YouTube video so far.

And here's another favorite.

I so enjoy Clara's stories! But beware: her videos are addictive like chocolate.

Clara was such a cute lady.


And what's cooking in my crockpot today? Barbecued pork necks.

Tomorrow it's tamale pie.


Free Kindle Books:

Somewhere Safe With Somebody Good

The Secret Garden

Fried Chicken and Gravy

A Spool of Blue Thread



  1. Oh, Deborah! I love Clara! Last Christmas I treated myself to her CD of Depression cooking. She tells such lovely stories along with her cooking. she was a treasure. How wonderful that we can see her over and over on YouTube. Visit her blog also. Her grandson was keeping it up, but maybe not so much now.
    Thanks for recommending her to others.
    Diana in Illinois

  2. You know, Debra, I have known about Clara for years but have never taken the time to watch her videos. Think I will change that today! :)

  3. I've been living in a hole in the Midwest, because I had never heard of Clara, but when I watched the above link, I became an instant fan!! Gotta go...gonna binge watch Clara. Thanks, Debra!!


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