Sunday, August 02, 2015

So On The Way Home ...

I arrived home around 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning, as usual, from grocery shopping and Tom said he wasn't up to yard sales due to his gout-y foot. I was disappointed, but told him it was ok. And it was. Saturday mornings upstairs in my room feel special.

But hours later Tom decided he could handle traveling the few blocks to the movie theater so to watch the new Mission Impossible movie since it's just as easy to sit there as it is here. We'd both anticipated this film for weeks.

It's terrific when a theater is so close and never crowded (we shared ours with maybe 15 people). Mission Impossible was great fun, as usual, and then on our way home, look what Tom spied sitting on the curb on the street before ours:

       (It only looks like there are spots on it. There aren't.)

Oo la la. For nearly 4 years I'd wanted a slipper chair just like that for my room and there it sat for free. So Tom turned the car around and while he opened the large back door, I ran across and grabbed the chair. Then as we drove away, two smiling young men in their 20's (who'd visited a yard sale 4 doors down) ran and grabbed the set of shelves which had sat beside my chair.

I do love where we live. It feels like such a happy, giving place.

Anyway, the chair was re-covered in oil cloth (easy to clean), still had its original tags and was even born the same year I was:

Today's lesson? Keep your eyes open, be patient and keep believing, even if it takes awhile to receive what you really want. Who knows? One day God may wish to surprise you after your own plans have fallen through.


"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  ... Hebrews 11:1


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  1. That chair is adorable & is perfect for your upstairs room!

  2. I'm going to visit your town! I love that chair, God knows what makes your heart happy....and provides!

  3. What a gem! Enjoy it in good health. : )


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