Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Only a Quickie Post Today

Yesterday I needed some time off after last week's preparations for company then our wild and fun weekend. So I chose to do something I find very relaxing: I looked at local real estate online. 

Hey, it's what I like.

And oh, I found one house I loved and the only thing really wrong with it is that there's no bathroom downstairs. A bedroom, yes, but a bathroom, no. It was adorable, in a decent location and only $54,900. (Oh, and to be clear--no, we're not considering buying this house.)

Anyway, I need to get busy around here and prepare for my Price is Right date with Sally, including making a (fake)crab and pasta salad, but I thought I'd share the kitchen photos from the aforementioned house for those of you who, like me, would love an old-fashioned kitchen like this. (The rest of you will question my sanity.)

And yeah, there's no dishwasher and the stove is off by itself (though has room for a small cabinet beside it) and some glass-fronted cupboards would be perfect above the stove for my Fiestware and a small-ish white kitchen island with a black counter top would be terrific and ----

But even with all its imperfections, I fell in love at first glimpse:

Be still my vintage-loving heart.

And now I'm off to enjoy my day and may you decide to make yours memorable!


Saw this at Facebook this morning:

"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." —Stephen Covey

Love it!


Oh! And I simply must show you these sweet gifts my nieces brought/sent to me:

Cool and thoughtful, right? I am blessed.

Free Kindle Books:


Death on a Deadline

Summer of the Woods

The Cedar Tree



  1. I know what you mean by unwinding with something you enjoy! Enjoy your guest today!

  2. Oh, I could sooo live there!

  3. Oh how easy to love this adorable vintage charm! Reminds me of my Grandma's little kitchen.

    I haven't been to an estate sale in ages. I'll have to check my local paper and see if any are in my work area on Fridays. What a neat lunch-time treat that would be to explore. It's also time to incorporate antique shop browsing occasionally too!

  4. I love the kitchen - so cozy and such personality. I posted a few minutes ago under my work account - can you please delete that one and post this one instead? Sheesh - I need my brain recharged.

  5. OK - so maybe I didn't complete the post under my work Id. Do you think it's time I retire? I sure do. Sigh.


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