Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Strange, But Pleasant Thing That Happened Today

"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left."   ... Isaiah 30:21


It was the weirdest thing.

Last summer while talking over the (chain link) fence, Robin mentioned to me, in passing, that perhaps someday she and Paul would move to 'XYZ Mobile Home Park.' I told her that I thought maybe Tom and I had driven through there before. That we'd especially liked the homes with attached garages. But really, I was only guessing since we enjoy driving through many such places for ideas.

Fast forward nearly a year, including 3 months after Robin and Paul silently moved away.  Around 4 miles away from Hobbit Cottage, in a country-like setting, Tom and I went to a couple yard sales then passed the 'XYZ Mobile Home Park. I told him, "Oh! Maybe Paul and Robin moved there. Someday we should drive around and see if we recognize their black car or white truck."

"How about now?" Tom asked, turning the car around. "I don't know when we'll get out this way again." 

"Uh, we could come our next Saturday, you know. But ok, I guess I'm up for it now."

So we pulled into the entrance, wove through just two streets and poof! I spied Robin walking down deck steps toward her car. Tom pulled over and I opened the door and told Robin, "Hello! We only guessed you might be living here and it looks like we were right!"

(Uh-oh. Does this make us stalkers?) 

But seriously, I think I'm still reeling at the timing and happenstance of it all.

Robin laughed and said she only had around five minutes (her niece is getting married tonight and she had wedding errands), but she'd love to show me her house, so I told Tom we'd only be a couple minutes and he said (pleasantly) that would be fine. He'd wait in the car.

Well, Robin's new-to-her home was beautiful and huge(!) and talk about spic-and-span-in-order. Wow. I enjoyed the tour, even though little Cody barked at me half the time and Robin had to use the zapper button once. (Poor Cody.)

Anyway, she invited us to come out anytime after Wednesday because that's when they'll finally get an awning for their hot, sunny deck. They have a lovely view of green fields and trees and oh, it's cricket-quiet out there. I'm thrilled for them and told her so.

Isn't Life fun when you're led by the Spirit rather than by your head? Especially when your head isn't as able to retain information as it used to?

Oh, to be led by the Spirit all the time. To always be in the right place at the right time--just imagine how that would be. What that would look like. (Insert a sigh of longing here.)


"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."  ... John 14:26


Free Kindle Books:

Time and Again

Chop, Chop

The Color of Heaven

Grace for the Homeschool Mom

Daughter of Joy

The 7-Day Prayer Warrior

Forget Me Not

A Horse Called September


  1. How good to follow your heart and find your friends.

  2. That is so very true Debra! We all need to do that more !


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