Saturday, July 04, 2015

Adventures on the 4th

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ..."   ... 2 Corinthians 10:5


Tom's, Naomi's and my weekend hasn't been 4th of July-ish by most standards, but quite pleasant, nonetheless.

Well, except that I broke a tooth (at least not one that shows) and Tom's foot hurts more than usual (he has a podiatrist appt. this week) and we are both old and falling apart. But other than that, hey. Things are peachy.

By way of BuffaloFreeCycle we gave away a vintage maple cupboard thingy and I enjoyed the emails I received from sweet women inquiring about it. Oh, the friendly folks of Buffalo! They're everywhere we go.

Yesterday we hired movers to bring a (ridiculously heavy) 'gentleman's closet' inside from our car, something Tom bought via Salvation Army. After they left, I helped Tom load it with his stuff, but even my gifted-ness at organization was sorely tried when dealing with his items which make no sense to me. Alas. But at least I got him started.

Speaking of Salvation Army, the three of us visited two today and because I felt 0 grace to search for clothes, I bought books, instead, on this 1/2 off day. You won't believe this (really, you won't), but I bought all of these for only $2.40. Total.

Yes, I danced around inside my head. We also stopped at a few yard sales, but no one found anything of interest.

Naomi is again having to make some tough Life decisions, and still, as her mother, I'm learning there are rewards in remaining at peace, even though I could choose worry, instead.  But 'casting down imaginations of what might happen' while they're yet small is, I've found, the way to go. The better way. 

Faith always is more calming and more likely to reap sweet rewards, like old books for pennies in mish-mashed stacks at thrift shops.

Hey, who knows? But I'll take it.


Happy 4th of July to each of you!


"  ...  in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength..." ...Isaiah 30:15


Saw this, below, and loved it. Tom and I have already quipped John Schneider's quote at odd moments since yesterday, fancying ourselves quite clever, of course.

(Read here why John said it. I pretty much agree with his most valid points.)



  1. So sorry about your tooth, Debra! It's kind of alarming when it happens. Don't worry though, you're not alone in the "old and falling apart" department. That's an accurate description or at least it sure feels that way some months. We didn't have a traditional 4th either. Our daughter and her boyfriend came to visit and cook though, bless their hearts. Enjoy Naomi and God bless you listening to her heart. These are valuable, sacred times.

  2. Doesn't life just keep on offering up challenges? Hubby and I didn't have a typical 4th, either. Our central air unit has issues--just what we don't want to deal with mid-summer. Oh well, the great thing about growing older is that we've learned it doesn't pay to get too worried about stuff. We'll deal with whatever happens. I know that you, Tom and Naomi will do the same. Isn't it crazy how we moms have to continuously learn those lessons about "remaining at peace"--I don't have any tatoos, but if I were so inclined, I might consider "remain at peace" for mine. Hang in there. We're gonna try to keep our cool (pun intended considering our AC)and I hope you guys do the same!

  3. Thanks, bonnie! so glad you had an enjoyable time with your daughter and her friend. We're really enjoying our time with Naomi and it's going by quickly--uh-oh! :)

    Pam--love the idea for the remain at peace tatoo! I hope your a/c has been fixed by now and is cooling you off nicely in this latest bit of heat. If we didn't have a/c I'd have surely died by now. :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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