Friday, June 19, 2015

Wildly This and That

Well, tomorrow is THE day. Finally we'll have quality carpet installed at Hobbit Cottage. We're nearly finished with the packing of knick-knacks, books and dishes and soon I'll move small furniture to the porch. 

I'm trying not to say "I'll be happy when it's Sunday and all the hassle's over with." I've told you not to speak words like those, for it's better to be happy now, in the midst of whatever must be done. 

For most of Life, we're in the middle of not-so-wonderful things, rather than on the other side, so why not enjoy it all?

When I return here Sunday or Monday, I'll (hopefully) show you photos. That is, if I can find my camera somewhere inside all these boxes.  


I don't often mention the bad/sad national news here, but about the tragic NC church shootings? May it make us all determined to overcome evil with good. May we become more prayerful regarding our nation's wandering, deceived young people. 

God, through prayer, changes things.

Not complaining about what's wrong.
Not vilifying our President and his wife on Facebook.
Not forwarding bitter emails.
Not favoriting sarcastic sentences on Twitter.
Not gossiping over coffee and apple crumble pie.

But praying. And loving others into wholeness. And standing in the gap for those who have no anchor.

“Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him.” 
― Gordon B. Hinckley

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."   ... James 5:16


Surprising news! The Rosamond du Jardin teen novels which I've enjoyed for 40 years are now available in Amazon's Kindle Store. And yes, part of the delight of these stories is holding an ancient copy in your hands. But still, if you've ever wanted to try one, here's your chance to do so for a decent price.

This Spring I've been rereading the Tobey and Midge series (my favorite) and am on #4, The Real Thing. These are perfect for a summer escape.

Just thought I'd mention these delightful books for you who are still young at heart in your reading tastes.  :)  Find them here where they're conveniently numbered for you.


Free Kindle Books:

To My Sons (enjoyed the wisdom & drawings in this)

Elderberry Croft

Death by a Honeybee

How to Make Money Blogging

A Shot in the Bark

Heart of Clay

Secrets of Clean Eating



  1. I just love looking at the Rosamond du Jardin book covers :) I can't describe the way it makes me feel.

  2. Debbie-- I know exactly how you feel! Those kinds of pictures make me downright happy and like all is right with my world. Vintage things--love them and they just feel so right. :)

    Oh! And happiest of birthday wishes to you. A little birdie (my Yahoo calendar) told me today is your special day. Enjoy! <3

    Blessings, Debra

  3. Beautiful prayer Debra and thank you. I don't think the killer was a deceived young person. He committed a heinous racist crime. The killer was wearing a vest with the flag of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe today. He saw himself as 'white supremacy'. He needs a lot of prayers from all of us. He has to know God created us, yellow, red, white, metis..

    Your prayer was beautiful and your advice about stoppint the bashing on social media is very wise and I respect you for that.

  4. Nicola-- thanks for commenting! I believe the young man is deceived because of dictionary definitions like this one: "To believe what is not true; to be mislead."

    The words he spoke before firing his gun show that he believed lies. To him, those lies had become truth and that's classic of deceived people. They can rarely be talked out of their deceptions because they 100 percent believe there's nothing to be talked out of. They believe they're correct and anyone who disagrees is wrong.

    As you said, we really need to pray for this young man. In cases like this, prayer is the only thing which can set him truly free, that, and his acceptance of the truth--Jesus.

    Blessings, Debra


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