Sunday, June 07, 2015

Life In The Opposite World

"But where sin increased and abounded, grace has surpassed it and increased the more and super-abounded ..."   ... Galations 5:20


Friday morning I watered my sun drops and Sally walked across the street (in her white with cherries duster, natch) to tell me the strawberry plants I'd given her had yielded strawberries. And also that, her family would on Saturday, take 2 inner-city kids to see Niagara Falls for the first time. 

Our yards were sun dappled, the air, cool, and well, perfect.

In my house an hour later, Sammy The Cat hurried past me so I knew someone had knocked at the backdoor. And yes! There stood Sally, pointing at my vintage squirrel outside the door, saying she had one, also. 

She asked to use our phone because theirs had suddenly been turned off along with the tv(!), so I led her to our office, fiddled with Magic Jack, got his temperamental self to work, then stepped to the kitchen while Sally phoned her daughter.

Oh, and Daniel The Cat ran to Sally (and stole her heart) when he gave her his widest kitty smile

Of course, only after Sally left did I remember that I'd meant to ask if she wanted this little table:

I loved that small thing (and had been using it upstairs), but when you live in a tiny house? Everything must do double-duty or else it's on borrowed time. At a yard sale I found a short, two-drawer dresser to sit my upstairs' tv upon, instead. Storage: how I love you.

By now Sally was out watering her flower bed and after I walked the table over to her she said it would fit perfectly beneath her bedroom window. I carried it into her living room(her kids would take it upstairs, she told me). We chatted while the tv played--her daughter had taken care of what had been the cable company's mistake.

What a delightful morning. Never do I recall having such a comfortable neighbor like Sally, one with whom I feel such an ease and freedom to casually visit within each others' home.

Decades ago I prayed for a neighbor like Sally and yes, it kinda took forever, but finally she moved next-door. And that's ok. I trust that God knows what He's doing.

In fact, He's answered other oldie prayers for me lately, including that I not fall apart when disappointment strikes. Ok, occasionally I can throw an embarrassing tantrum, but at least it's no longer, like, every week.  :) His peace has become almost palpable within me and it wasn't always this way, trust me.

As I wrote last time, it saddens me when Christians report (in detail) on a worsening world. They don't realize they can steal peoples' hope of still having an incredible inner life when the outer one's gone all wonky. As Times worsen, we're meant to grow stronger, more peaceful and filled with assurance that God's exactly as He always was.

Nowadays, Grace should be increasing within us, not decreasing.

God is the God of the Opposite World and yeah, it's tricky living there sometimes. But oh, when we finally understand what's going on...!


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."   ... John 16:33

 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."   ... John 14:27

Never steal another person's hope. It may be all they have left.


While Tom browsed at a yard sale, I stared at these peaceful-looking houses. I felt whisked-away to the 1930's and imagined a June Cleaver inside each one.


Free Kindle Books:

Tea With Emma

The Dead Peasant's File



  1. Living in an opposite world, I'd never thought of it as like that but yes it is.

    I like to imagine June Cleavers in houses too and I have a vintage squirrel I bring out every autumn. He has a hole in his tummy where he used to be a night light but I stick an acorn there instead!

  2. Dewena-- Always nice to hear that others like June Cleaver! Just remembering her makes me want to get up and clean something. :) And your vintage squirrel sounds adorable. Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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