Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ten Years Later--It Arrived

"Delight yourself in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart."  ...Psalm 37:4


This shocks me, but it was ten years ago that I told you I spied a wooden sign across a porch which said this:

"And they lived happily ever after."

Instant enchantment! Suddenly the folks who lived inside that house became a storybook family (of sorts). I even began strolling through that neighborhood more than before just to glimpse the pretty house with the whisk-me-away line.

A couple times since moving to Hobbit Cottage I'd considered hanging such a sign across the top of our front steps. Lots of people walk past our home and I wanted their eyes to go all dreamy as mine had.

Well, I forgot to tell you yesterday that this weekend at our first yard sale of the day, I found this:

It was upside down to me, across the table, but I gasped and with big eyes, casually reached over and grabbed it. And paid the nice young woman the $1 she asked.

Now, it's not the exact sign that I saw so long ago, but that's ok. It's close enough.

On this muggy morning, I placed the necessary cup hooks in the sign and the porch beam, crawled down from my ladder, then stood back and called it good. Because it is. And because God is good, also, to remind me that He doesn't forget the desires of my heart, even when I set them aside for awhile. Still He gets them to me--at the time He deems best.

  Please just peek at the sign and ignore the ghastly stains on the beams. Some day/year we really will get them painted. I hope.


“Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life. Work's important, family's important, but without excitement, you have nothing. You're cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what's coming.” 
― Nicholas SparksThree Weeks With My Brother


Free Kindle Books:

I Want It Now!

The Outlaw Preacher

A Hope Revealed

Teaching Patience

                           My Snow in Summer is beginning to flower. Just last year I ordered a tiny little stem which came in a damp paper towel and now it's spread like crazy. Happy sigh.



  1. Oh Debra I love it! So glad You found it!

  2. It looks wonderful, Debra!

  3. I'm so glad you found this, it will bring happy thoughts to you every time you see it!

  4. It's perfect! I think the font even feels fairytale. It's so important for the front of our home to look like us, for sure. I always wish I were your neighbor, Debra. lol. And don't worry about the wood under the eaves. I have two posts that go up my sidewalk that need a paint job...for at least a year. But who's going to notice with all the color I've got going on out there, right? I always hope I please people with our flowers. Kudos on putting in the cup holder thingys to hang it. I'm awful with those.

  5. What a wonderful post!!! God IS a loving father who wants to gift us with the desires of our hearts. Sometimes I wonder if He's forgotten, but his timing is perfect. It looks great hanging by your entry.

  6. What a great sign and saying :) It seems that as I move towards the end of life (not in a morbid way) I feel so much more content.

  7. Elizabeth, Tracy and Dewena--thank-you! So glad you all like it.

    Bonnie--thanks! I wish you were my neighbor, too. :) I also like to brighten our tiny bit of the world so that it will make passersby smile. I'm actually thinking about painting the beams, myself. We'll see how that goes. :) The cup hooks were easy because I always use a small nail and hammer, first, then screw in the cup hooks. Makes it pretty easy that way.

    Pam--thanks! God's timing is always perfect, but yeah, sometimes it feels a tad late. :) My new sign makes me smile every day.

    Debbie--so true! I'm finding way more contentment as I grow older, also. Maybe after we 'get the hang of Life' we discover better what *really* matters and what does not. I think that's part of it, anyway. :)

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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