Monday, April 20, 2015

The Dream Come True Weekend

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever."   ...Psalm 136:1


Still, I'm reeling over the contemplative treasure, Gift Of An Ordinary Day. Many of you moms would appreciate this perfect 'beach book', one that will warm your eyes with tears because of the author's ability to perfectly describe the beauty and the difficulties of raising children.

When I wasn't editing my new blog or spending time with Tom, I sat outside in my wicker chair, reading, something I dream about on the iciest, greyest days of every January. The sun bouncing from our yellow wall was just enough to warm me.

Aren't you giddy that it's not November with a whole string a icy winter months ahead? I am. Spring became my favorite season years ago when I realized we have seven months of mostly-gorgeous weather to anticipate and splash around in. 

My excitement is palpable and perhaps others need promises of exotic vacations or loud, celebratory parties or lists of prayers which must be answered before they can be happy again. But not me. 

April and daily joys are promise enough.

I read here this weekend, but this photo is old and nothing yet looks nearly as green. But still, it felt glorious out there.

Today we're back to rain and wind, but that's ok. God gave us our perfect weekend and those who wisely lifted their faces to the sun with thankful hearts while they could, have memories to cheer them.


This morning Naomi will fly out of Nashville to New York City where she'll stay with friends, play drums in concerts and look up old friends for a week. 

Any prayers for her safety would be appreciated since NYC is not exactly her mother's idea of a great place.  :)



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“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.” 
― Virginia WoolfJacob's Room


  1. PERFECT weather weekend here in Michigan too. It's cooler now, breezy, and rainy, but we STILL went for a short walk to notice all the amazing signs of SPRING!

  2. We had a wonderful weekend, too! And spring is my favorite season. Life returning all around! Praying for traveling mercies for Naomi.

  3. Great couple of days..the weather has been perfect. We are finishing up the inside projects and starting on the outside ones. I am basically management (I am not expected to do much heavy work) and he is the whole work crew. I am so blessed.

  4. Ladies--sounds like I wasn't the only one celebrating Spring this weekend! I'm so glad we've all learned to splash around in the simple things which God gave to make all our days wonderful. Blessings, Debra

  5. As a momma who had a son in NY (he's now in Berlin!) I understand your concern. The generation our kids are in is so brave and adventurous! I don't even know WHERE my son comes by his adventurous spirit! But I'm praying for Naomi's safety, and for your peace of mind. We serve a BIG God. :)

  6. Deb--thanks so much for praying for Naomi! I really appreciate that. Much. Blessings, Debra


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