Sunday, April 12, 2015

That End-of-Winter Impatience

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."   ... Psalm 37:4


Some of our early Aprils here float in with glorious sunshine, warmth and lime-green leaves.

But not this one. 

Eegads. Last Sunday was the greyest, dreariest Easter on record and from that day till Saturday? We had maybe three hours of sunshine.  Yes, even here at the most enchanted of all Buffalo suburbs, sun-wise (imo).

So what did ol' winter-weary Debra do yesterday? She recalled those episodes of Beachfront Bargain Hunt which rescued her from insanity during this eternal winter. (And while watching Hawaii Five-O the night before, she told Tom, "Let's move there. Please?") Then she looked up, online, waterfront condos in Buffalo, thinking, "Hey! Real estate in our area runs super low, so perhaps waterfront condos could be cheap, as well."

Huh! Not even. 

Try $349,000 for a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo with $982/month HOA fees. And not even an indoor pool (are you kidding me?), which is what I wanted most. Oh, how I like to dream how terrific I'd look if only I had a pool.  :)

Anyway, I sent those links to Tom at his computer in the living room and he nearly fainted.

Then I told him, "We should move to Myrtle Beach. Their condos with indoor pools start around $140,000." He said maybe we could visit there first to see if we liked it, but I replied, "Nope! Let's just move there. Or to Hawaii. Why do we keep putting up with 5 months of these grey, cold winters, anyway?" 

To which he replied, "I don't know. I guess it is ridiculous."


Of course, then the sun came out and stayed, probably because God wanted to save us from ourselves. And no, we are not moving to Myrtle Beach (and yes, we do realize coastal towns get hurricanes).

No, there'll be no soon-coming loading of a moving van to greener vistas, because this we know: When you move away somewhere only because you're all impatient and sick of winter and cabin-fever'd, most likely, things won't work out. Something will feel wrong, even in all that new sun and sand and chlorinated pool water.

But if you move when and where God wants? Then everything will be all right. Whether you have beaches and constant sunshine or not.

Yes, we have learned this.

And so, since God's not telling us to move, I'll instead, get a grip. I'll keep noticing how the lawns are beginning to green and how (tiny!) buds are forming on the backyard crab apple tree. I'll remind myself to patiently watch for the birth of Spring and all will be well because we're exactly where God wants us to be. 

In any realm of Life, the center of God's will is the best and safest place.


"A double-minded (wo)man is unstable in all her ways."   ... James 1:8 (tweaked)

"But godliness with contentment is great gain."   ... 1 Timothy 6:6

"Let patience have her perfect work..."


Happy birthday to Susan Branch and the late Gladys Taber!


Free Kindle Books:

Mexican Cooking

Eighteen Ways to Make Better Art



  1. Debra, are you and Tom old enough to qualify for silver sneakers programs? No, I'm thinking not. But do keep it in mind for the future. I have free membership in a gym with a great indoor pool AND current channel where I walk in water for an hour and a half a few times a week. All free....

  2. Sounds great, Kristi! Tom belongs to a gym down the street for only $10 a month, but he never goes. I could go, but won't because I don't want a bunch of people around me. :) That's why I like the idea of 'my own' indoor pool, one where I could go at odd hours and practically have the thing to myself.

    (Aren't I impossible?)

    But thanks for the mention of that program. I'll keep it in mind as a someday thing!

    Thanks for commenting and reading here for so long! Blessings, Debra

  3. I just looked at your blog again and had to smile at your grow faster cartoon because I just saw a photo of my 4 yr. old grandson Stephen planting the pits from his green olives (which he loves) in the garden, hoping they will grow more green olives for him!


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