Thursday, April 23, 2015

If You Don't Give Up--

"Behold, all things have become new..."   ... 2 Corinthians 5:17


See the cute hippo? He's one of the items Tom brought home from South Africa.

Also this elephant:

And my favorite gift this time? Giraffe bookends:

While working on my 'book,' I revisited those months in 2010 after Tom was laid-off and I marveled how, less than 3 years later, God gave him a whole new career, one so similar to what Tom had dreamed of for years.

It still amazes me that, after being laid-off for the first time in 32 years, Tom treated those 20 months like a long-awaited vacation (though he did seek jobs online). He chose trust rather than panic and he enjoyed those nearly two years of rest (well, the moving away from the farm wasn't too restful...).

People said, "Oh, it's so terrible when you're laid-off in your 50's!" Yet Tom didn't let those words seep inside him.

Then another job came along and when that power plant ceased running, immediately Tom's much dreamed-about career happened. 

Now he teaches S. Africans to run one of the largest coal fire power plants in the world. In fact, Tom's boss wants him to, here in the Buffalo office, teach co-workers how to teach(!) 

How remarkable to watch God turn a bad thing into something extremely good.

So today I would tell you--if something appears to have gone all wrong in your life--please don't panic or assume your best days have passed. Our God is much larger than that and He waits to respond to our faith.

He requires a quiet trust that believes all will be well--somehow, in Time--perhaps in a different form than we'd wished. And obedience which inches us into the right place at the right time--gratefully.


"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result..."  ... Genesis 50:20

" And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."  ... Romans 8:28


Last night our new neighbors moved a few items into the house next-door. 

And so, a new Cody-free chapter begins.  :)


Yesterday I discovered lots of episodes online of Restaurant Impossible which I'd not yet seen. Hooray! I enjoy many shows in which wisdom and ingenuity are used to fix things.

Speaking of which, oh. my. goodness. After 3 long weeks, I can once again print coupons! Yesterday when I discovered my latest tinkering (and most likely, God's mercy) had repaired our printer, I woo hoo'd like crazy to Tom in the living room. 

Wow. Total glee on a snowy, north wind afternoon, one where I'd raked leaves and transplanted forget-me-nots that morning because I'm determined to play Springtime Games--anyway.


Free Kindle Books:

One Lane Bridge (this one sounds intriguing!)



  1. I like your African animal figures, and the quote from Corinthians. How good the job scene turned out to be, after being unemployed.

  2. This is so very true Debra! Love your things Tom brought home for you!

  3. The gifts Tom brought home are so cool!! I praise God, with you, that He took what might have looked like a huge loss in Tom's career and created an even better, customized job for Tom. Reminds me of our Lord's promise to never leave us or forsake us. We're blessed.

  4. Tom sounds like my husband in his deep trust for God to lead and guide after a layoff in his 50s. I wish I could say the same. :( I stewed and fretted and ranted and even raved a little. I'm ashamed now of how UNtrusting I was, and of the ways I didn't support my husband. And despite my lousy attitude, God moved us in a new direction and provided every single thing we needed, and we are happier today than we could even imagine being back then. I HOPE I learned my lesson. (Sadly, I know me too well. :{ But truly, I HOPE I'll remember the lessons learned and respond better the next time God asks us to go through a similar challenge. It helps so much to hear stories like yours, Debra, and to see the way He worked in you and Tom's lives. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Oh, dear! The editor in my really wants to fix a couple of typos above. Please just know that I did see my writing mistakes and recognized they were wrong!! ;)

  6. Terra- I'm glad you liked the animal figurines and yes! We're still reeling that Tom's dream job came along when it did.

    Elizabeth--glad you liked the little animals, also! Isn't it wild how God works?

    Pam--it's great that you found the animals cool and isn't God amazing for encouraging us along the way?

    Deb--I so appreciated your honesty! Thanks so much for sharing with us--being unemployed is definitely one of those things which will make us stronger if we allow it, huh? I had to chuckle over what you said about typos! I am so the same way. :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  7. I love those giraffe bookends!

    My husband got laid off April 3rd. :( So we, once again, are in a lean season.

    You are such an encouragement! Thank you.

  8. Oh Robin! I hadn't heard that your husband was laid off. I'm so sorry. I'll believe with you that he'll find an even better job and that God will give you lots of creative ideas for your home and family and keep you hopeful and strong in the meantime. Thinking of you...! ... Debra


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