Friday, March 06, 2015

Well, It Took a Long Time, But ...

"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad."   ... Proverbs 12:25


Before I say what I'm gonna say, I want you to know:

I only sometimes eat right.
I only sometimes exercise.
I am so not the poster child for a healthy lifestyle. 

But here's the thing: As of this week, I have not been sick in 4 years. Four eerily healthy years. 

Wow. That is a personal record for me. Only twice before (last year and back in the 90's), did I go even 3 years without a cold or the flu, etc. Usually I'm the lady who catches your sniffles if you walk past me at twenty paces.

Now occasionally, I do deal with sinus issues, especially during wintertime when the house becomes Sahara-dry, but I've learned to conquer those with steaming my poor ol' face and avoiding milk products and citrus, also. And taking 2,000 to 4,000 units (divided doses) of Vitamin C daily. Oh, and sleeping with the window cracked open. Always, these keep the sinus issues from becoming an infected, great big hairy, go-to-the-doctor deal.

Am I doing something differently that led to my personal record-breaking healthy 4 years? These are my guesses:

1.) I've taken 2,000 to 4,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily. The same for Vitamin C. And I've taken 2,000 units of krill oil every night as well as 2 acidolphulus tablets daily. Immune system builders, all.

2.) God has helped me worry and stress-out much less. (Boy, was that a long, hard job for Him.) He's 'set my feet on a level path,' emotionally so I'm not so big ups, big downs-ish. (Steady sounds boring, but it's not.)

3.) He's also reworked my brain to where it views Life with a positive spin. Yes, even in this pretty dreadful century of ours.

Oh, and at our supermarket, I always use the wipes near the door to whisk away the germs on the shopping cart handle. :)

Say what you will, but really, I'm thinking those are the biggest reasons why I've felt healthy for such a long period of time and you can take from this post what you will. Something or nothing. Or whatever. That's ok. 

I just wanted to share what might help others as I have been helped.


"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."   ...  Proverbs 17:22

"...the cheerful of heart has a continual feast."   ...Proverbs 15:15

A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ.  ~John Steinbeck

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.  ~Doug Larson


Krill oil is highly beneficial, but yeah, it is expensive. We've found that Vitacost has the best prices, especially when they do their BOGO1/2 deals.


For your listening pleasure. Again, cuz it's been awhile and Spring is coming.... Someday.


Free Kindle books:

Herbs Gone Wild!

Essential Home Remedies

Muffin Tin Menus

Fireflies in a Jar


  1. Yay!

    I'm still catching bugs, but I've avoided the bronchitis that used to plague me for weeks each year.

    Adding Thieves Essential Oil helps me A LOT.

    Soon I will miss having to deal with diapers and runny noses, but that season isn't here yet, so I am enjoying them while they are sticky, stinky, and rather snot covered. It's a dirty job, but I'm thankful I can do it!

  2. Judy ... Oh, that's right! It does seem like a long time since you last had that ol' bronchitis. That's wonderful--congrats!! Blessings, Debra

  3. Good for you, Debra. I wish I could say the same is true for me but with the daily fatigue and daily pain of Fibromyalgia I still struggle. Because I am home most of the time I don't get other things. I had bronchitis in November that I am sure came home with my husband. He had pneumonia early in November. He was working with 3 and 4 year olds then who spread germs everywhere.

  4. MaBeane--oh yes! Those germs from children. I remember those ol' things. heh. I wish I would've known back then how to beef-up my resistance during the years I taught Sunday School and kids'church.

    But I'm glad I finally starting doing these things because they've made a huge difference for my health as well as Tom's, he who still spends tons of time around other people. :) It amazes me that's he almost never catches anything anymore, also.

    I hope this is a good day for you! Blessings, Debra


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