Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Day Before Another Birthday


Well. My always-highly-anticipated Blue Bloods disappointed (dare I say horrified?) me this week and I was going to write about the whole Frank/Sarah/bitterness and unforgiveness are just hunkey dorey thing, but no. I've thought too much about it and how the world just doesn't understand and it's all too tiring and negative for this day.

So moving on ... Tom, Naomi and I did a conference call through Skype at  noon--or tried, anyway. We couldn't see each other because it uses too much of Tom's iffy South African data and the sound cut out on half of Naomi's sentences. We got disconnected once. Then when I said my birthday is Monday, Naomi wished me a very happy birthday and said her package of fun, healthy desserts will arrive tomorrow.

Tom said he forgot my birthday. That he'd been busy.

Gah. Men. (You'd think after 36 years that Tom would at least pretend he'd remembered rather than murmur those two dreadful sentences.) 

Well, let's just say I'd felt better before that Skype call.

But it's okay. Hours later, the sun is trying to shine for the first time since Friday and my easy listening station is playing, making Hobbit Cottage feel like the sweetest place on the planet. I just know God and Grace have special things planned for tomorrow even though I don't know what they are. Yet they will be lovely and just right because God does all things well. The Bible even says that.

And from experience, I can easily believe for a special birthday with Him who knows me best.


" ... There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."   ...Proverbs 18:24


Did you get a free Kindle copy of Windows to Our World yet? If not, go here.

And here's a fun link to their House Hunter's International episode when they rented a place in Italy.

Oh my.  So many children, so little time....   :)

Also free today:

On Which Side of the Road Do The Flowers Grow?

Faylene's Biggest Catch

Grandma's Herbal Remedies

A Life Restored

Photography for Beginners



  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBRA!!!! May God bless you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet as you celebrate another year of life. One week from today I'm adding another digit, too.

  2. Dear Debra, May you have a very happy birthday, even though we all hope most of your birthdays will not be sans Tom! Be well!

  3. Happy Birthday, Debra.
    Eat what you want, do what you want , go where you happy. Life is too short to let birthdays get you down.
    God is good. All the time.

  4. Pam--thank-you so much! And how fun that our birthdays are so close together. March is a great month for birthdays! <3

    Kristi--thank-you for your good wishes! Even though Tom was far away, still, the day was lovely. Happy sigh... :)

    MaBeane--I loved what you said about doing what I want, etc. That's the way I look at birthdays also! :) Thanks so much for commenting...

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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