Friday, March 20, 2015

Springtime--Can It Be?

“Despite the forecast, live like it's Spring.” 
― Lilly Pulitzer


You know it's Springtime when you see ol' Debra washing windows, dusting upstairs, scrubbing the bathtub and ironing shirts in the living room while watching decorating shows and becoming so inspired that she flung away all the books on her mantle and placed old white dishes, books and seashells there instead:

(I'd like to find a white oval mirror and hang it sideways.)

Oh, the sunshine we get at Hobbit Cottage! I spend hours sitting here, staring while white light spreads and shifts, warming the carpet and twinkling upon the glass table.

I hope you're excited today about Springtime, even if you, like me, still see snow outside your windows. There's the energy of anticipation and upcoming months of beautiful weather to celebrate, even if you're husband-less, childless, money-less or whatever-less (temporarily or otherwise). Yet if we have God and Grace on this first day of Springtime? We shall be content in an invisible richness.

Spring has come and Winter has loosened his icy grip. He may sputter awhile longer, but his roar will not be what it once was. And so we rejoice.


"But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that."   ... 1 Timothy 6:8

“It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want—oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” 
― Mark Twain

“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.” 
― Virginia WoolfJacob's Room


Free Kindle books:

Raspberries and Vinegar

The Fiverr Business Plan

31 Days to Coming Alive


  1. In Philly today we got 6 inches of snow. Tomorrow it's going up to 50 something. Bye, bye snow.

  2. It can be spring....Not all that warm, but my witch hazel is in bloom and so are all my snow drops, which are scattered about the yard.

  3. You're so ambitious--washing windows, dusting, etc. Good for you! Love the white dishes.

  4. Washing Good for you. We still have snow Halfway up the front windows and the large kitchen window cracked so we are waiting for a special order window to be made and installed.
    Its hard to believe we are 2/3 through the month of March. Snowing here in Maine today.

  5. Hi, Debra
    I love your blog. I can't remember that I started keeping one, too (thinking of Debra can do it, so can I). Mine's all about teaching:
    I can't remember whether I told you I moved from LSU to Drexel--kind of a drastic move; directing the writing program here. I don't think i have your email address, so I thought I'd send you a note on your blog :). No--I still haven't recovered and probably never will, but I love teaching and am making friends in the Philadelphia area. Spring thoughts to you.
    irvin peckham

  6. Dolores--we have a 50 degree day coming tomorrow. Hooray! Spring is definitely on its way--for both of us! :)

    Kristi--oh my! Things in bloom already. Be still my heart. (Happy for you, though!) :)

    Thanks Pam! I really like the old white dishes there, also. I can truly feel Spring in the air, hence my energy! It will be so wonderful to welcome a whole different sort of season, right?

    Jan--I hope you're getting the sunshine we're having today. Makes all the difference, doesn't it? Spring is coming--eventually!

    Irv--I sent you an email. What a great surprise to see your comment here!

    Thanks, Everyone .... Debra


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