Monday, March 02, 2015

Adventures in Solitude

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."   ...Proverbs 3:5,6


Well. February became the coldest month ever in Buffalo's record-keeping history, which began in 1871. The third snowiest, also.

In my best Walter Cronkite voice, I would say, "And I was there." 

And we're currently aiming for 3rd place in the Longest Time Gone Without Reaching Freezing (32 Degrees). Oh my.

Of course, the bravest people are those who must go out every day, barring a travel ban. I would list all they face, but that would require paragraphs.

Me? I've been a comparative cheater, venturing away from home only every 9 days and--though warming up the car in a 2 degree (or so) garage each day isn't pleasant--it's also not a big deal. Not even close.

Now, don't faint or anything, but I wish each of you could experience my recent adventures in solitude. This living alone during a record-breaking cold month certainly shows you what you have inside yourself--and what you still lack. Where you're strong, where you're weak. Where you're prepared and where you're flailing around. 

The Real You crawls out at such times and you see some bravery, but also bits of insecurity and things left undone. 

But the best thing? You hear God and Grace more clearly than ever encouraging you, strengthening you and cheering you. You come away knowing if this became your permanent lot in life, you would--after time-- be ok. More than.

But only because you've stopped relying upon yourself, your bright ideas, and instead, learned to lean upon the Greatest Source of everything you'll ever need.


“If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.” 
― Jean-Paul Sartre

“I have to be alone very often. I'd be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That's how I refuel."     ..... Audrey Hepburn

"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”   ... Deuteronomy 31:8


And for fun? Tom's needed a few old photos for his presentations, so I've dug through boxes and emailed him some. Here are three. 

At Yosemite:

At the Lucy-Desi Museum in Jamestown (2001 maybe?):

And because Barry Williams has a new reality tv series coming soon (who doesn't? heh), here's one from 1997 when he came to our town and I and other ladies in their 30's and 40's giggled like the silly little girls we once were. And loved it.

                                        (I remember this was 1997 because Naomi was 17. Does anyone else remember specific times and dates because of using the ages of their children?)   :)


Free Kindle books:

Blowing on Dandelions

Real Clever Ideas and Solutions

All God's Children

For My Brother


  1. Deb, I've truly enjoyed being home when the weather was most dicey, too. I've loved making soups, drinking tea, watching TV, reading, and praying for all those who had to be out in the wintry stuff. What great pics of you and you and your fam!

  2. Thanks, Pam! Yep, the nicest part is not having to go out if I don't want to and definitely it's great not worrying about Tom out there in all this mess.

    But this is the second time I'll have been alone in the house for six weeks (seven this time, actually) in the dead of winter and that is a stretch, a good challenge and something which makes me face who I truly am. Where I'm strong and where I'm weak--and which areas I still need to let God remake me. It's something not everyone could do, especially me, not without extra, designed-for-this Grace. No way.

    This kind of solitude is not for everyone, but I'm so thankful God has spent many years preparing me for this. If Tom had had this job ten years ago, there's no way I could have handled these weeks. I'm very thankful God has prepared me for these times!

    Thanks, Pam... Blessings, Debra


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