Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day To All My Readers

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."   ... Jeremiah 31:3


Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you experienced the fun of being ten-years-old again and sitting at a table with Valentines spread before you and a pen and stickers and--.  

I did. At our dining room table I filled out my Valentines the day after Tom left for S. Africa. And yes, Tom's not here, not even on this Continent for Valentine's Day. But it's ok. Jesus is here. 

And Tom sent me flowers.  

I spent lots of (wasted) days complaining when Tom worked holidays, but one year I got sick of all that complaining and decided to stop. To make the best of the day, alone. And that has made all the difference, for only then could God bless me this fully. Only when I emptied the garbage of complaints.

Did you see the KMart tv commercial where the young man prepares Valentine's Day gifts for his grandmother then surprises her in the kitchen when she arrives home? 

Loved that. It reaffirmed what I've blogged here many times: February 14th should be a day to let anyone know you appreciate what they bring to your life.

So to all my special friends, may your Valentine's Day be happy and may you know Wondrous Love. 


Yes, so Tom isn't here for Valentine's Day and he'll also be gone on President's Day, St. Patrick's Day and Easter.

Oh yeah ... and my birthday. Alas.

But you know? I'm already planning that my birthday will be wonderful. How can I know that? Because even if I spend it alone at home, surrounded by what looks like the North Pole (as it does now and isn't looking like it'll change by mid-March)--still--God and Grace will be here.

And they make any ordinary day, extraordinary.

I count on them more than anyone else upon this planet and they never disappoint me. And with them, I am never, ever alone. Not even for one tiny second, so all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.

God and Grace and Julian of Norwich and I all agree upon that.   :)


"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” ...   Deuteronomy 31:6

Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. ~Author Unknown


Free Kindle book:

Journey on the Hard Side of Miracles


  1. You are a very wise woman! When is your birthday?

  2. Thank-you Robin. My birthday is March 16th, the day before St. Patrick's Day. :) Happy Valentine's Day to you! Blessings, Debra

  3. Thanks for your warm wishes...right back at you, Debra!! When we have a Savior who promises to love us forever, no matter what, we are truly loved. My Mom used to tell me that He's the only One we can be absolutely sure of throughout our entire life and she's right. On this day when we speak of hearts, I'm glad He's willing to fill ours, over and over with His love!God bless you.

  4. Dear Debra, Happy Valentine's Day to you! Your blog means a lot to me always. It is a blessing. You are the blessing.

  5. Such a lovely inspiring post! Happy Valentine's Day, Debra!

  6. Thank-you Pam, Kristi and Tracy! Your warm thoughts and wishes totally made my day. I so appreciate your thoughtfulness, especially since I had a touch of cabin fever yesterday.(Uh-oh!) I appreciate each of you taking the time to comment! Blessings, Debra


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