Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Are You 'Saying So'?

I graduated from high school in Chester, CA and it's been 27 years since I lived there, but you know what I still enjoy doing? Every few weeks I read the obituaries from Chester's newspaper online.

There's just something about a good obituary, even if you didn't know the person, as in the case of this woman whose obit, today, I found touching: 

"Marcie’s personal life was defined by her unconditional love for and devotion to her husband Bob, who sadly preceded her in death by four years. They were deeply in love throughout their 62 year marriage and relished their final years together in Graeagle.

Marcie’s dynamic spirit and vitality will be greatly missed. She will be remembered for many things by many people: her inspirational strength, her steadfast work ethic, her patriotism and her commitment to serve her country and her community. Marcie wanted no memorial service — she asked only of her family that they “remember me” after her passing, and to this we reply: “Mom/Grandma/Great Grandma – with the impact that you have had on shaping our moral and ethical compasses, how could we possibly forget you?”

But it surprises me how often I recognize the family name of kids with whom I attended high school. The past few years, many have lost a parent (as I have) and sometimes, even a brother or sister. And something I like to do? When possible, I try to contact those classmates, even if they might not remember me, and express my condolences.

I think that's an important thing, speaking or writing our compassionate thoughts. Here online, also, when any of us run across bloggers or others who have lost someone or even a dearly-loved pet.

Here's a verse which nudges me to do that, though it's one of those verses which people truly need to yank outside of the box we've often stuffed it into:

"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so."   ...Psalm 107:2

To me? That verse means way more than just admitting we are Christians and our gratitude for such. I believe it instructs us to also speak out our condolences, our thank-you's, our encouragement to the depressed, our compliments, love, appreciation and so much more.

Basically, we should live ready to speak as Jesus would if He was standing here, visibly, amongst us. And to say unto others what we'd appreciate them saying to us.

Often I ask myself, "Are you, a redeemed one, saying so?" And usually I answer, "Oh dear. Sometimes yes. Sometimes no."

My aim is to someday be able to say, "Always, yes!"


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."   ...Proverbs 16:24

"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them."   ... James 4:17

"Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."   ... Colossians 4:6


This weekend we are due for temperatures above freezing for the first time since January(!) Be still my heart, and look-out supermarket and Dollar Tree, here I come! :)


Free Kindle books:

Where Wildflowers Bloom

The Homecoming

Mail Order Brides


  1. A lovely post Debra, as always! Glad you are getting a little better temperature so you can get out!I am going snow chasing this weekend!

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth! They've down-graded our warm temps this weekend, so I just went this morning even though it was, like, 6 degrees. But you know? Yesterday the sun began feeling warmer (to me, anyway). It was around 15 when I fed the birds and it almost felt like springtime! Yay!

    Have fun snow chasing! :) Blessings, Debra


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