Sunday, January 18, 2015

Random Thoughts Rattling Around My Head

My random thoughts are never as clever and fun as Judy's, but once or twice a year, I attempt sharing them anyway. :)

1.)  Y'all know I enjoy detective/FBI tv series, but when a camera person gets all artsy-cute and zooms the camera in-and-out and side-to-side and up-and-down, my head begins to throb and then I whine at said camera person, "Oh, stop! Stop! My poor old head can't handle it." (Anyone know what I mean?)

2.)  Sometimes snow is pretty, other times, ugly, and right now it's pretty ugly outside of our house:

(Actually, picture it looking worse. My camera somehow made it appear lots nicer.)

3.) Looks like Naomi won't be moving back here temporarily. She discovered she can't leave Tennessee until her car is paid off (long story). But I'm still decluttering our basement 5 little changes at a time, and you know? Almost immediately I could step down the stairs and not cringe with shame. Baby steps and throwing-off apathy--oh how I love thee! 

4.) Hobbit Cottage must be in the Twilight Zone portion of Buffalo. Why? Because we get more sunshine here than we ever did at our other suburb house and in all our most important rooms, too. Tom says we need more curtains, but after 15 years in a house were only the sunroom got good light, blinding sun in my eyes is my new favorite thing. 

I sit at our table, remove my reading glasses (lest they set fire to my eyelids), then left my face to the sun. That, and my Vitamin D3 is making our fourth winter here an emotional breeze for this former dreader of January and February. (It's January 18th already!)

5.) Don't you love sunsets which remind you of Gone With The Wind's burning of Atlanta? We had one of those last week:

6.) I highly recommend watching shows like Tiny House Hunting. You'll step away from your tv feeling as though you live in a spacious mansion. No, really.

7.) Last year I saved $1,893 at my lovely supermarket down the street by buying only sale items. $450 is a reasonable estimate of what I saved using coupons. I'm still 'earning' around $25 dollars an hour while making my grocery list and doing the actual shopping, which makes this home-loving, unqualified-for-a-real-job lady pretty darn happy.

8.) We have butterflies living on our walls upstairs. These were from that leisurely stroll through Dollar Tree I told you about here:

9.) And for now? That's about it from Hobbit Cottage. Over and out.


"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."   ... Romans 8:37


Aww... have you heard the final song which Glen Campbell recorded?  The whole Alzheimer's thing is always so sad ... We had his earliest Christian album (and here) from many years ago and it still remains one of my all-time favorites from any I've ever heard from anyone. 

Yes, it was that good.


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(This is the same email from a couple years ago, in case those of you who received that one are wondering.)  :)


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