Saturday, January 10, 2015

Are You Searching? Or Only Accepting?

"For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."   ... Matthew 7:8


So when I listed the Kindle book, A Lady in France, did you snatch it for free? I did and wow! Yesterday I wanted to read past page 113, except that my eyes whined for me to stop.

What a book.

The author's insecurity angst reminded me of mine of long ago (uh-oh). I don't like remembering those years, but if it brings me more empathy toward others, I'll take it. God has carried me miles away from Lands of Insecurity and sometimes I forget the nightmare of having built a house there.

What flashed all neon to me in Jennie's early pages? The emptiness of her soul. I mean, her history wasn't filled with blatant sin or (many)tragic times, but rather, this ever-present not-knowing of who she was, who God was or what Real Life can be. She just existed and tried to stay busy (and adventurous) with outside things so she'd not veer too closely to the void inside.

What surprised me most was that she didn't really search to fix the brokenness. She seemed to accept the emptiness of her soul, to settle for misery, choosing instead, to travel to other countries and cities and jobs to fill up her dreary days.

She was busy, but empty, lonely and too proud to receive help when offered. For years there was nothing even close to this going on:

"Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."   ...  Jeremiah 33:3

Fortunately, I'm at the part where she finds God and things are beginning to change as she lets go of much wrong-thinking. Say what you will, but it's wrong-thinking that keeps so many Christians in a ditch no matter how many church services we attend.

Anyway, (stop me before I blather on all afternoon), today, please remember this: If you feel empty or broken inside--burst out of apathy and depression's fog wall and do something. Search for ways to fix what's broken: 

Seek to know and love God better. 
Slow down. Listen. 
Ask questions. 
Read the Bible. Read other books. 
Have daily quiet times.
Discover your talents.
Help people with those talents. 
Do Google searches. 
Go to church. 
Go to school.
Humble yourself. Ask for help. Become honest.
Learn how to receive.
Be willing to make changes.

... but please don't just live with pain, loneliness or darkness.

Jesus told us that He came to give us an abundant life--and He would never lie. With Him all things are possible, even a richer life full of meaning, purpose and joy.

And I have found that to be true.


"That they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us ..."   ... Acts 17:27

(Jennie shared that verse in her book. Oh, I'm thinking it's my new favorite!)

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." ...Jeremiah 29:13


Last night Tom and I watched the latest Person of Interest episode. Darn, darn, darn how they ended it.

That is all I'll say.  :)


Free Kindle books:

At Legend's End

Strike the Match

Finding Dolores

Urban Gardening

The Daniel Fast


  1. I just started the book. I'll let you know what I think. Very nice post Debra. Dolores

  2. Debra, how true it is that wrong thinking might be the single most devastating enemy each of us will face during our lives. People are crippled with fear when they think about terrorists or life-threatening viruses and diseases, but our minds can undo us without our even knowing it. On the other hand, when we think on God's good things, our mind can lead us out of despair, to a full, wonderful life. I just heard Chas. Stanley say that our mind is a "control tower." How true!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.